Department of Transportation recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign the El Dorado County
Community Health Center - Missouri Flat Road / Offsite Improvements Project, Road Improvement Agreement 21-54977, between the County and the Developers, El Dorado
Community Health Center and Neenan Company LLLP.
FUNDING: Developer Funded.
The Development Plan (DR19-0007) for the El Dorado County
Community Health Center was approved by the Planning and Building Department Director on October 28, 2020. Department of Transportation (Transportation) is recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign the El Dorado
Community Health Center - Missouri Flat Road / Offsite Improvements Project, Road Improvement Agreement 21-54977 (Agreement), between the County, and the Developers, El Dorado
Community Health Center and Neenan Company LLLP (Developers).
In accordance with the Conditions of Approval approved by the Planning and Building Department Director on October 28, 2020, the Developers shall improve the frontage by extending the existing right turn lane and tapering Forni Road, replace existing curb, gutter, sidewalk, bike lane and drainage facilities, and construct a raised median in the
center turn lane of Missouri Flat Road to effect a Right-In, Right-Out only configuration for the project driveways onto Missouri Flat Road. The Developers shall also extend the underground utility services along Missouri Flat Road.
The work described in the Agreement is anticipated to start in Summer 2021, and onsite improvements are currently underway. No full closures of any roadways are currently anticipated; however, construction related delays to traffic are anticipated.
Approval of this Agreement will allow the Developers to make improvements to Missouri Flat Road, as necessary to complete the project.
This Agreement is necessary for the Developers to construct the Missouri Flat Road Offsite Imp...
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