Meeting Name: Board of Supervisors Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 8/3/2010 8:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Board of Supervisors Meeting Room
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
10-0845 11.Agenda ItemClerk of the Board recommending the Board approve the Board of Supervisors Meeting Minutes from the Special Meeting of Monday, July 26, 2010 and the Regular Meeting Minutes from Tuesday, July 27, 2010; and approve an amendment to the Tuesday, July 20, 2010 Meeting Minutes, Item No. 18.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
10-0779 12.Agenda ItemChief Administrative Office recommending the Board adopt a Resolution accepting the exchange of property tax increment for the annexation of three parcels (APN's 126-100-18, 110-020-12 and 126-100-20) to the El Dorado Irrigation District, Local Agency Formation Commission Project No. 2010-03. Resolution 116-2010Failed  Action details Not available
10-0779 1 Agenda ItemChief Administrative Office recommending the Board adopt a Resolution accepting the exchange of property tax increment for the annexation of three parcels (APN's 126-100-18, 110-020-12 and 126-100-20) to the El Dorado Irrigation District, Local Agency Formation Commission Project No. 2010-03. Resolution 116-2010FailedFail Action details Not available
10-0779 1 Agenda ItemChief Administrative Office recommending the Board adopt a Resolution accepting the exchange of property tax increment for the annexation of three parcels (APN's 126-100-18, 110-020-12 and 126-100-20) to the El Dorado Irrigation District, Local Agency Formation Commission Project No. 2010-03. Resolution 116-2010ContinuedPass Action details Not available
10-0779 1 Agenda ItemChief Administrative Office recommending the Board adopt a Resolution accepting the exchange of property tax increment for the annexation of three parcels (APN's 126-100-18, 110-020-12 and 126-100-20) to the El Dorado Irrigation District, Local Agency Formation Commission Project No. 2010-03. Resolution 116-2010AdoptedPass Action details Not available
10-0783 13.Agenda ItemChief Administrative Office recommending the Board adopt a Resolution accepting the exchange of property tax increment for the detachment of one parcel (APN 319-100-37) from the Diamond Springs/El Dorado Fire Protection District, Local Agency Formation Commission Project No. 2010-05. Resolution 117-2010AdoptedPass Action details Not available
10-0783 1 Agenda ItemChief Administrative Office recommending the Board adopt a Resolution accepting the exchange of property tax increment for the detachment of one parcel (APN 319-100-37) from the Diamond Springs/El Dorado Fire Protection District, Local Agency Formation Commission Project No. 2010-05. Resolution 117-2010ContinuedPass Action details Not available
10-0781 14.Agenda ItemChief Administrative Office recommending the Board adopt a Resolution accepting the exchange of property tax increment for the annexation of one parcel (APN 119-020-48) to the El Dorado Irrigation District, Local Agency Formation Commission Project No. 2010-01. Resolution 118-2010Failed  Action details Not available
10-0781 1 Agenda ItemChief Administrative Office recommending the Board adopt a Resolution accepting the exchange of property tax increment for the annexation of one parcel (APN 119-020-48) to the El Dorado Irrigation District, Local Agency Formation Commission Project No. 2010-01. Resolution 118-2010FailedFail Action details Not available
10-0781 1 Agenda ItemChief Administrative Office recommending the Board adopt a Resolution accepting the exchange of property tax increment for the annexation of one parcel (APN 119-020-48) to the El Dorado Irrigation District, Local Agency Formation Commission Project No. 2010-01. Resolution 118-2010ContinuedPass Action details Not available
10-0781 1 Agenda ItemChief Administrative Office recommending the Board adopt a Resolution accepting the exchange of property tax increment for the annexation of one parcel (APN 119-020-48) to the El Dorado Irrigation District, Local Agency Formation Commission Project No. 2010-01. Resolution 118-2010AdoptedPass Action details Not available
10-0810 15.Agenda ItemChief Administrative Office recommending the Board adopt a Resolution accepting the exchange of property tax increment for the annexation of six parcels (APN's 062-390-36, 062-390-41, 062-390-46, 062-230-06, 062-230-09, and 062-230-10 (14.66 acres) to the Georgetown Divide Public Utility District, Local Agency Formation Commission Project No. 2010-02. Resolution 119-2010Failed  Action details Not available
10-0810 1 Agenda ItemChief Administrative Office recommending the Board adopt a Resolution accepting the exchange of property tax increment for the annexation of six parcels (APN's 062-390-36, 062-390-41, 062-390-46, 062-230-06, 062-230-09, and 062-230-10 (14.66 acres) to the Georgetown Divide Public Utility District, Local Agency Formation Commission Project No. 2010-02. Resolution 119-2010AdoptedPass Action details Not available
10-0810 1 Agenda ItemChief Administrative Office recommending the Board adopt a Resolution accepting the exchange of property tax increment for the annexation of six parcels (APN's 062-390-36, 062-390-41, 062-390-46, 062-230-06, 062-230-09, and 062-230-10 (14.66 acres) to the Georgetown Divide Public Utility District, Local Agency Formation Commission Project No. 2010-02. Resolution 119-2010ContinuedPass Action details Not available
10-0830 26.Agenda ItemChief Administrative Office recommending the Board approve employees eligible to receive the County's Early Retirement Incentive Plan, noting said plan was approved by the Board of Supervisors on July 20, 2010, Item No. 30. (Cont'd 11/2/10, Item 6)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
10-0796 27.Agenda ItemCounty Counsel recommending the Board approve and authorize the continuance of two (2) Current Perpetual Agreements for Services administered by County Counsel with the following companies: a) Sterling Codifiers; and b) Computer Works, Inc.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
10-0801 18.Agenda ItemHealth Services Department recommending the Board authorize the Chair to sign “Agreement to Detail Federal Civil Service Personnel” 358-108-P-N2010 for the term July 19, 2010 through approximately July 18, 2012 to provide an intern from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to be assigned to the Public Health Division; said intern is paid by, and covered under, the Federal employment agreement. FUNDING: Public Health Realignment.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
10-0774 19.Agenda ItemHealth Services Department, Mental Health Division, recommending the Board authorize the Chair to sign Memorandum of Understanding 367-M1011 with El Dorado County Office of Education through which the Mental Health Division will receive $80,000 for the term of July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011 to provide mental health services to students with disabilities in accordance with the student’s Individualized Education Program. FUNDING: Federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act funding.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
10-0827 110.Agenda ItemDepartment of Human Services recommending the Board authorize the Chair to sign a letter for submittal to the California Department of Community Services and Development, which constitutes an Updated Spending Plan that projects expenditures for July, August and September 2010, reflecting full expenditure of the $175,375 in Community Services Block Grant American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funding granted by the California Department of Community Services and Development to El Dorado County under Agreement 09F-5110 by the September 30, 2010 contract end date. FUNDING: 100% Federal Community Services Block Grant American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Grant Funds.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
10-0794 111.Agenda ItemDepartment of Human Services recommending the Board adopt a Resolution authorizing the Chair to sign Amendment 2 to Agreement 09B-5508 with the California Department of Community Services and Development, extending the term through September 30, 2010 with no change in the dollar amount, for the provision of Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program services to eligible residents of El Dorado and Alpine Counties; and further authorizing the Department Director, or successor, to continue to administer Agreement 09B-5508 as amended and execute subsequent documents relating to said Agreement, including amendments thereto, contingent upon approval by County Counsel and Risk Management, that do not affect the dollar amount or the term, and any subsequent required fiscal and programmatic reports. FUNDING: 100% Federal Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program Grant Funds. Resolution 120-2010AdoptedPass Action details Not available
10-0792 112.Agenda ItemDepartment of Human Services recommending the Board, as the Governing Board of the In-Home Supportive Services Public Authority, authorize the Chair to sign Amendment 1 to Agreement for Services 075-S1010 with Industrial Employers and Distributors Association, doing business as IEDA, Inc., increasing the total not to exceed amount by $19,000 from $25,000 to $44,000 and extending the term for an additional year to provide consultation and advice on employer-employee relations to the El Dorado County In-Home Support Services Public Authority during the term October 1, 2009 through September 30, 2011. FUNDING: 85% Federal/State In-Home Supportive Services Public Authority Funds with 15% required County General Fund Match.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
10-0816 113.Agenda ItemSheriff's Department recommending the Board approve a Budget Transfer adding $457,414 to said Department's operating budget for the Fiscal Year 2010 Homeland Security Grant Program, and additions to the Fixed Asset List . (4/5's vote required). (Refer 8/3/10, Item 13 ) FUNDING: Fiscal Year 2010 Homeland Security Grant.AdoptedPass Action details Not available
10-0541 114.Agenda ItemDepartment of Transportation recommending the Board adopt two (2) Resolutions authorizing the Director of Transportation to order temporary road closures and detours for construction on Mosquito Road Bridge at South Fork American River, Project No. 77120 and Durock Road/Business Drive Intersection Signalization, Project No. 73354. Resolution 122-2010 (Project 77120 Mosquito Road) Resolution 123-2010 (Project 73354 Durock Road/Business Drive)AdoptedPass Action details Not available
10-0788 215.Agenda ItemTreasurer-Tax Collector's Office recommending the Board adopt a Resolution granting approval to sell tax defaulted property as outlined in same; noting said sale to be conducted on November 5, 2010. Resolution 124-2010AdoptedPass Action details Not available
10-0450 116.Agenda ItemConsider adoption (Second Reading) of Ordinance 4948 revising County Ordinance Code Title 2 and Title 15 to bring into compliance with current building codes and terminology, to streamline permit processes, and to remain consistent with Tahoe Regional Planning Agency regulations. (Cont'd 10/5/10, Item 26) (Est. Time: 10 Min.)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
10-0607 317.Agenda ItemHEARING - Consider adoption of Resolution revising the Development Services Department's Planning Services Fee Schedule, including Policies and Procedures. (Est. Time: 30 Min.) (Cont'd 7/27/10, Item 29) Resolution 125-2010Approved  Action details Not available
10-0607 3 Agenda ItemHEARING - Consider adoption of Resolution revising the Development Services Department's Planning Services Fee Schedule, including Policies and Procedures. (Est. Time: 30 Min.) (Cont'd 7/27/10, Item 29) Resolution 125-2010ApprovedPass Action details Not available
10-0617 318.Agenda ItemHEARING - Consider adoption of Resolution revising Building Fee Schedule. (Est. Time: 30 Min.)(Cont'd 7/27/10, Item 30)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
10-0843 119.Agenda ItemAuditor Controller recommending the following: 1) Receive and file the Reports of Special Tax Delinquencies for Community Facilities District No. 1992-1 (CFD 1992-1 Serrano), Community Facilities District 2001-1 (CFD 2001-1 Promontory), and Community Facilities District 2005-2 (CFD 2005-2 Laurel Oaks); and 2) Adopt Resolutions authorizing judicial foreclosure of delinquent special tax installments pursuant to the CFD 1992-1, CFD 2001-1, and CFD 2005-2 Bond Indenture. (Est. Time: 15 Min.)AdoptedPass Action details Not available
10-0759 120.Agenda ItemChief Administrative Office recommending the Board adopt revisions to the Board of Supervisors Policy Manual. (Est. Time: 20 Min.) (Cont'd 8/17/10, Item 14)Continued  Action details Not available
10-0842 121.Agenda ItemDevelopment Services recommending the Board authorize the Chair to sign the Fiscal Year 2009-10 budget transfer decreasing General Fund contingency by $272,037 to backfill revenues within the planning fee special revenue account that have been over-recognized in multiple fiscal years. (4/5 vote required) (Est. Time: 15 Min.) FUNDING: General Fund.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
10-0682 222.Agenda ItemDepartment of Transportation recommending the Board adopt a Corridor Segment Plan for the portion of the Sacramento Placerville Transportation (SPTC) Corridor from Missouri Flat Road to Mother Lode Drive and accept the public input process utilizing a Working Group of stakeholders set-up through the Parks and Recreation Commission as the appropriate forum for future Corridor segments. (Cont'd 9/28/10, Item 30)ContinuedPass Action details Not available
10-0840 123.Closed Session Item Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a): Title: Cameron Park Community Services District v. El Dorado County, et al., Sacramento County Superior Court Case No. 07CS00059. (Est. Time: 15 Min.)Continued  Action details Not available
10-0841 124.Closed Session Item Conference with Legal Counsel - Significant Exposure to Litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b): Title: Serrano Claim for Community Facilities District Tax Refund. Number of potential cases: (1). (Est. Time: 30 Min.)No Action Reported.  Action details Not available
10-0693 125.Closed Session Item Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6. Conference with Labor Negotiator: County Negotiator: Director of Human Resources and/or designee. Employee Organization: El Dorado County Employees Association Local No.1 representing employees in the General, Professional, and Supervisory Bargaining Units; Operating Engineers Local No. 3 representing employees in the Trades & Crafts, Probation, and Corrections Bargaining Units; Deputy Sheriffs Association representing employees in the Law Enforcement Unit; El Dorado County Criminal Attorney Association; El Dorado County Deputy County Counsel Association; El Dorado County Managers Association; El Dorado County Law Enforcement Managers Association; and Unrepresented Employees. (Est. Time: 10 Min.)No Action Reported.  Action details Not available
10-0852 126.Closed Session Item Conference with Legal Counsel - Initiation of Litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(c): Number of potential cases: (1). (Est. Time: 10 Min.)No Action Reported.  Action details Not available
10-0861 127.Agenda ItemChief Administrative Office recommending the Board approve the RFP process to be used to allocate $540,000 from the promotions account to be used by local organizations to carry out activities for the promotion of tourism, entertainment, business and leisure travel in the County of El Dorado.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
10-0854 128.Closed Session Item Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957: Public Employee Performance Evaluation: Title: Director of Human Services. (Cont. 8/3/10 #28)Continued  Action details Not available
10-0855 129.Closed Session Item Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957: Public Employee Performance Evaluation: Title: Director of Human Resources. (Cont. 8/3/10 #29)Continued  Action details Not available
10-0863 130.Closed Session Item Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957, Public Employee Appointment: Title: Agricultural Commissioner / Sealer of Weights and Measures. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6, Conference with Labor Negotiator: County Negotiator: Chief Administrative Officer. Employee: Agricultural Commissioner / Sealer of Weights and Measures.Action Reported  Action details Not available