File #: 17-0326    Version: 1
Type: Agenda Item Status: Approved
File created: 3/14/2017 In control: Board of Supervisors
On agenda: 4/11/2017 Final action: 4/11/2017
Title: Health and Human Services Agency, in conjunction with the Probation Department, recommending the Board: 1) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 060-2017,which approves the County of El Dorado 2017 System Improvement Plan (SIP) for the period of April 17, 2017 through April 16, 2022; 2) Authorize the Chair to sign the “Notice of Intent” that designates the County of El Dorado’s Health and Human Services Agency as the public agency that will administer the following programs through contracts with public or non-profit agencies: Child Abuse Prevention, Intervention, and Treatment (CAPIT); Promoting Safe and Stable Families; and Community-based Child Abuse Prevention (CBCAP); and 3) Authorize the Chair to sign the “California - Child and Family Services Review Signature Sheet” that accompanies the SIP and identifies the County Child Welfare Agency Director and the County Chief Probation Officer, as well as identifies HHSA as the Public Agency designated to administer the fu...
Attachments: 1. A - Approved Contract Routing Sheets-Resolution, Notice of Intent 4-11-17, 2. B - Resolution 4-11-17, 3. C - System Improvement Plan 4-11-17, 4. Executed Resolution 060-2017, 5. Executed California - Child and Family Servies Review Signature Sheet
Related files: 25-0178


Health and Human Services Agency, in conjunction with the Probation Department, recommending the Board:

1) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 060-2017,which approves the County of El Dorado 2017 System Improvement Plan (SIP) for the period of April 17, 2017 through April 16, 2022;

2) Authorize the Chair to sign the “Notice of Intent” that designates the County of El Dorado’s Health and Human Services Agency as the public agency that will administer the following programs through contracts with public or non-profit agencies:  Child Abuse Prevention, Intervention, and Treatment (CAPIT); Promoting Safe and Stable Families; and Community-based Child Abuse Prevention (CBCAP); and

3) Authorize the Chair to sign the “California - Child and Family Services Review Signature Sheet” that accompanies the SIP and identifies the County Child Welfare Agency Director and the County Chief Probation Officer, as well as identifies HHSA as the Public Agency designated to administer the funding related to CAPIT and CBCAP programs.  The Chair’s signature on this Signature Sheet also signifies the Board’s approval of the SIP.


FUNDING:  Child Abuse Prevention, Intervention, and Treatment funded by 2011 Realignment; Promoting Safe and Stable Families and Community-based Child Abuse Prevention is funded 100 percent Federal funding.



Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign a Resolution to approve the 2017 System Improvement Plan (SIP), authorize the Chair to sign the “Notice of Intent” to be submitted to the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) indicating HHSA’s intention to administer contracts with public or private non-profit agencies for the programs identified in the SIP, and authorize the Chair to sign the SIP “California - Child and Family Services Review Signature Sheet,” which identifies the County Child Welfare Agency Director and the County Chief Probation Officer, as well as identifies HHSA as the Public Agency designated to administer the funding related to the programs outlined in the SIP.


Every five (5) years, in accordance with AB 636 (statutes of 2001 and implemented in 2004), all California counties are required to submit a SIP, which is designed to improve the outcomes for children in the child welfare system.  The SIP provides the framework for how HHSA and the Probation Department will provide services and programs for children and families engaged in the Child Welfare system.  HHSA, working in conjunction with the Probation Department, drafted the 2017 SIP, which covers the period of April 17, 2017 through April 16, 2022.  CDSS has reviewed and approved the SIP.  To finalize the SIP and to be in compliance with AB 636, HHSA and the Probation Department recommend the Board approve the SIP.


Pursuant to Welfare and Institutions Code (WIC) Section 18961 et seq. and WIC 1660, the services outlined in the SIP must be provided by public or non-profit agencies.  To fulfill this requirement, HHSA intends to enter into Agreements for Services with various public and non-profit agencies.



In January 2004, the implementation of California Assembly Bill 636 (Chapter 678, 2001) brought a new Child Welfare Services Outcome and Accountability System to California.  This Outcomes and Accountability System, also known as the California Child and Family Services Review (C-CFSR), focuses primarily on measuring outcomes in the areas of safety, permanency, and child and family well-being.  The C-CFSR includes several processes in which all California counties must participate, including the SIP. 


The SIP is a five year-document, effective April 17, 2017 through April 16, 2022, that serves as the County’s commitment to specific measurable improvements in performance outcomes and prevention strategies relative to improving outcomes for children, youth, and families.  The SIP includes the Child Abuse Prevention, Intervention, and Treatment (CAPIT), Promoting Safe and Stable Families (PSSF), and Community-based Child Abuse Prevention (CBCAP) Plan for this five-year period.  CAPIT, PSSF, and CBCAP are not entitlement programs.  Every county must voluntarily apply for available funding and provide services based upon CDSS’ approval of the SIP.


The CAPIT program is supported through discretionary funding from 2011 realignment.  The services are provided to children at risk of abuse and/or neglect.  Priority services are given to isolated families, particularly those with children five (5) years of age or younger. 


PSSF is supported through federal funding that requires a minimum of twenty (20) percent of PSSF funds to be spent on each of the following four (4) categories:  (1) Family support services, (2) Family preservation services, (3) Time-limited reunification services, and (4) Adoption promotion and support services.


CBCAP is supported through federal funding that assists local agencies in strengthening child abuse and neglect prevention and intervention services.



Disapproval of this agenda item will prevent HHSA and the Probation Department from meeting the goals and outcomes outlined in the SIP.  Disapproval also will result in HHSA and the Probation Department not being able to contract with public or non-profit agencies to provide the services.



County Counsel



It is recommended that the Board approve this item.



There is no Net County Cost associated with this Agenda item.  Sufficient appropriations were included in the fiscal year 2016-17 budget, and will be included in future budgets for the term of the Agreement. 



1) Clerk of the Board to obtain signature of Chair on one (1) certified copy of the adopted Resolution and return one (1) certified copy of the Resolution to the HHSA Contracts Unit at 3057 Briw Road.

2) Clerk of the Board to obtain signature of the Chair on two (2) copies of the “Notice of Intent” and return (1) copy to the HHSA Contracts Unit at 3057 Briw Road.

3) Clerk of the Board to sign two (2) copies of the “California - Child and Family Services Review Signature Sheet” and return one (1) copy to the HHSA Contracts Unit at 3057 Briw Road.



County of El Dorado Strategic Plan Goal “Healthy Communities,” Objective “Protect against adverse outcomes among children, adults and senior citizens.”



Patricia Charles-Heathers, Ph.D., Director