Health and Human Services Agency and Human Resources recommending the Board adopt Resolution 157-2012 to amend the County's adopted Personnel Allocation for the Health and Human Services Agency as follows:
1) Add 1.0 Program Manager II, Full Time Equivalent (FTE);
2) Add 1.0 Social Services Supervisor II, (FTE);
3) Add 1.0 Staff Services Analyst I/II, (FTE);
4) Delete 1.0 Staff Services Manager, (FTE); and
5) Delete 1.0 vacant Account Clerk III, (FTE). (Con't. 11/13/12, Item 14)
FUNDING: 85% Federal/State, 15% County match met primarily with Realignment.
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost
There is no increase to Net County Cost associated with the addition of these positions to the Agency's authorized personnel allocation.
The Program Manager II position is included in the Agency's FY 2012/13 Budget. Sufficient Federal/State and Realignment funding for these positions is available within the Agency's Fiscal Year 2012/13 Budget.
The total cost of the Social Services Supervisor II position, inclusive of salary and benefits, is approximately $69,782 and will be offset in the current fiscal year with salary savings. Beginning in Fiscal Year 2013/14, HHSA will shift Promoting Safe and Stable Families (PSSF) funding to adoptions to cover these increased costs, resulting in no increase to Net County Cost.
The cost of the Staff Services Analyst position, inclusive of salary and benefits, is $79,349 which is approximately $7,212 more than the Account Clerk III position. The new Staff Services Analyst position will be filled through an Agency promotional recruitment and the vacated position will not be backfilled. These additional costs will be offset with salary savings in Fiscal Year 2012/13, and during the Fiscal Year 2013/14 budget process HHSA will delete a vacant Account Clerk II position that results from the Agency promotional recruitment identified above, resulting in no increase to NCC.
Reason for Recommendation
The Health and Human Agency (HHSA) is recommending changes to its adopted Personnel Allocation to better align personnel allocations with current program, administrative and fiscal requirements.
Administrative Support
In accordance with the Single Audit Act and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-133, counties must ensure that all nonfederal sub-recipients who expend a combined total of $500,000 or more in federal funding for the purpose of delivering federal programs meet an annual audit requirement. Sub-recipients include group homes, foster family agencies and other community based organizations that provide direct program services. HHSA currently has eighty six (86) sub-recipient contractors of which forty (40) were funded in the last fiscal year. The deletion of 1.0 vacant Account Clerk III and addition of a more appropriate 1.0 Staff Services Analyst is necessary to ensure sub-recipient monitoring is conducted adequately in a timely manner and to assist with special projects such as new system implementation.
In addition, the administrative division within HHSA has oversight of four clerical support units, administration of approximately 450 contracts which collectively amount to over $70,000,000, facilitation of personnel transactions and staff development for more than 500 employees, coordination of information technologies and system support agency-wide and management of multiple HHSA facility sites. The Staff Services Manager classification was initially established to manage the Department Human Services administrative unit. Since the merger of Health Services and Human Services the administrative unit has expanded to more than 50 employees and the duties and responsibilities of the position have increased significantly.
In accordance with Section 503 of Personnel Management Resolution 228-84, HHSA and Human Resources are recommending the current Staff Services Manager assigned to the HHSA administration division be reclassified to the Program Manager II classification as the following conditions have been met:
a) An evaluation of the position must show that the duties and responsibilities have significantly increased and constitute a higher level of work.
Human Resources has completed a job analysis of the position and has determined the duties and responsibilities have increased significantly and constitute a higher level of work.
b) The employee in the position must have performed at the higher level for at least six months.
The current incumbent has been performing higher level duties for at least six months.
c) The action must have the recommendation of the appointing authority and Personnel Director and approval of the Board of Supervisors. The appropriate rules regarding probationary status and salary on promotion are applicable.
The Director of Human Resources and Director of the Health and Human Services Agency are recommending the Staff Services Manager assigned to the HHSA administration division be reclassified to the classification of Program
Manager II.
Child Welfare Services (CWS)
In the past, supervision of the adoptions unit within CWS has been assigned to a supervisor with additional Child Protective Services program responsibility and a manager with multiple program responsibilities providing coverage as needed. This has not always been the most effective method of supervision and now with increased focus and funding for adoptions it is necessary to add an additional supervisor position. The addition of a Social Services Supervisor II to provide supervision of the adoptions unit in CWS will increase program efficiency and allow for focus on concurrency planning, timely adoptive placements for eligible children and other critical duties surrounding incoming reports of child abuse and neglect.
The net result of the above changes reflects an overall increase of 1.0 FTE to the Agency's Fiscal Year 2011/12 Authorized Personnel Allocation; however, with the deletion of an Account Clerk II in Fiscal Year 2012/13, there will be no change to the total number of FTEs.
Action(s) to be taken following Board approval
Board Chair to sign resolution and forward to Human Resources for implementation.
Health and Human Services Agency - Daniel Nielson
Human Resources - Mike Strella