Department of Transportation recommending the Board take the following actions related to the construction phase of the Pioneer Trail/ U.S. Highway 50 Intersection Safety Improvement Project - Roundabout, CIP 36104026:
1) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Maintenance Agreement 03-ED 50, PM 71.48 with the State of California Department of Transportation to define maintenance responsibilities of each agency for the project area after construction is complete; and
2) Approved and authorize the Chair to sign Cooperative Agreement 03-0817 with the State of California Department of Transportation defining the roles and responsibilities and funding contributions of each agency for the Right of Way and Construction phases of the subject project. (District V)
FUNDING: Funding for the Maintenance Agreement will be provided by the Road Fund (100%). Funding for the Cooperative Agreement will be provided by project funds for CIP 36104026 as follows: Surface Transportation Block Grant Program (26%), Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA) Air Quality Mitigation Funds (6%), Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Program funding (27%), and Highway Safety Improvement Program (41%).
On January 4, 2022 (Legistar 20-1133, Item 34), the El Dorado County Board of Supervisors adopted the California Environmental Quality Act Mitigated Negative Declaration, granting approval for the Pioneer Trail/ U.S. Highway 50 Intersection Safety Improvement Project (Project). The document outlined the proposed improvements, potential impacts, and the corresponding mitigation measures for the Project.
This proposed Maintenance Agreement (MA) serves as a blueprint defining the roles and responsibilities of both the County and Caltrans for maintenance of the Project area after completion of construction. Caltrans policy requires the execution of this MA before the County can obtain an encroachment permit, which will allow the County to advertise for construction bids for the Project. The specific details and obligations of the MA have been negotiated with Caltrans. The El Dorado County Department of Transportation (Transportation) Maintenance Division was consulted and concurs with Transportation’s duties as required by the proposed MA, including but not limited to snow removal responsibilities on the roads and on the class 1 paths.
On November 5, 2019 (Legistar 19-1368, Item 27), the Board approved Cooperative Agreement 03-0701 with Caltrans, which set forth each agency’s obligations and responsibilities for the Project’s Plans, Specifications, and Estimate (PS&E) phase. This proposed Cooperative Agreement 03-0817 identifies the obligation and responsibilities for the Project’s right of way phase and construction phase, including but not limited to construction administration, construction inspection, and funding. The County will be administering and inspecting the construction of the Project.
1) The Board could choose not to approve the MA. This would prohibit Transportation from obtaining a Caltrans encroachment permit and advertising the Project for construction bids. Transportation would attempt to work with Caltrans to revise the agreement as directed by the Board and return at a later date.
2) The Board could choose not to approve the Cooperative Agreement. Transportation would attempt to work with Caltrans to revise the agreement as directed by the Board and return at a later date.
3) The Board could choose to cancel the Project. This would require Transportation to return $1,011,838 already spent on the Project to various funding sources.
Approve as recommended.
The work required by the Maintenance Agreement will be funded by the Road Fund. There is no increase in cost as Transportation currently maintains the project area. The work required by the Cooperative Agreement will be funded by Project funds for CIP 36104026. This Project is included in the 2023 CIP adopted by the Board on June 6, 2023 (Legistar #23-0851, Item 56), with funding provided by the TRPA Air Quality Mitigation, Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Program, Highway Safety Improvement Program, and Surface Transportation Block Grant funds. There is no change to Net County Cost as a result of execution of the Cooperative Agreement.
1) The Clerk of the Board will obtain Chair signature on four (4) originals of each Agreement.
2) The Clerk of the Board will forward the signed four (4) originals of each Agreement to Matt Gourley at Transportation for transmittal to Caltrans for final signature.
3) Upon receipt of the fully executed original Agreements from Caltrans, Transportation will forward one (1) original of each Agreement to the Clerk of the Board for filing.
Rafael Martinez, Director
Department of Transportation