Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) recommending the Board:
1) Make findings that contracting for the provision of suicide prevention services provided by California Mental Health Services Authority (CalMHSA) are in the public's best interest and that the work is with or among another governmental entities or agencies in accordance with El Dorado County Ordinance Code, Chapter 3.13.030(E), El Dorado County Charter, Section 210(b)(6), and/or Government Code Section 31000;
2) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Participation Agreement 7153 with CalMHSA Joint Exercise of Powers Authority (JPA), to continue to participate in the CalMHSA North Valley Suicide Prevention Hotline Program with a not-to-exceed amount of $20,696.59, and for the retroactive start date of July 1, 2022, continuing through June 30, 2023, and continuing authorization for CalMHSA to administer program funding for this program on behalf of the County; and
3) Authorize the HHSA Director or Director of Behavioral Health to execute further documents relating to Agreement 7153, including amendments which do not increase the amount or change the term of the Agreement, and contingent upon approval by County Counsel and Risk Management.
FUNDING: 100% State Mental Health Services Act (MHSA).
In collaboration with the California Mental Health Directors Association (CMHDA), the California Mental Health Services Authority (CalMHSA) Joint Exercise of Powers Authority (JPA) was created in 2009, as authorized by California Government Code Sections 6500 through 6536 which permits two or more public agencies by agreement to jointly exercise powers common to the contracted parties. The CalMHSA JPA provides administrative and fiscal services in support of member counties for statewide training, technical assistance, and capacity building of the Proposition 63 Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) Prevention and Early Intervention (PEl) programs, as well as other programs as needed. The JPA also allows member counties the opportunity to collaborate for the administration of the statewide projects. Each member county has representation on the CalMHSA Board of Directors and the ability to attend, participate in, and vote on actions of the Board of Directors.
On February 15, 2011 (File ID: 10-1324), the Board authorized the County of El Dorado to become a participating member in the CalMHSA JPA via Resolution 024-2011 and participation agreement 373-162-M-E2010 (FENIX 279 or 142-O1111).
The CalMHSA JPA administers a North Valley Suicide Prevention Hotline (NVSPH) Program on behalf of counties that participate in and fund the program. NVSPH serves as the primary suicide prevention hotline for participating counties. As funding allows, NVSPH will continue to operate the 24/7 suicide prevention hotline accredited by the American Association of Suicidology and will continue to answer calls through its participation in the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. The hotline may be accessed by call, text, or chat by dialing 1-800-929-1955 or the newly established 988. These numbers are routed through NVSPH. Calls which cannot be de-escalated over the phone are routed for referral to our local 24/7 crisis services team. In addition, NVSPH will maintain its hotline website, https://988lifeline.org/ which is administered federally by Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and is locally administered by NVSPH, and they will provide outreach and technical assistance to counties that participate and fund the program.
On November 5, 2019 (File ID: 19-1297), the Board approved the County of El Dorado to enter into CalMHSA Participation Agreement 4284 for the North Valley Suicide Prevention Hotline Program services for the retroactive term of July 1, 2019, through June 30, 2020, which was amended two times to ultimately extend the term through June 30 2022. The proposed CalMHSA Participation Agreement 7153 is a retroactive renewal of the prior agreement which authorizes the continued use of the North Valley Suicide Prevention Hotline.
On July 12, 2022, the California Mental Health Services Authority (CalMHSA) notified the Behavioral Health Division of the new Participation agreement, which replaces prior agreement 4284 with the retroactive term of July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023, in the amount of $20,696.59. HHSA was notified of the participation agreement retroactively, bringing this retroactive agreement before the Board was unavoidable.
Participation in the NVSPH is in the El Dorado County Mental Health Services Act (MHSA)Three-Year Program and Expenditure Plan, initially approved by the Board on June 9, 2020 (File ID 20-0446) and this expenditure was authorized in the Fiscal Year 2022-23 MHSA update on August 30, 2022 (File ID 22-0832). Disapproval of Participation Agreement 7153 would result in noncompliance with this Board authorized project in both the approved MHSA plan and the Suicide Prevention Strategic Plan, (File ID 22-1046) approved by the Board on July 19, 2022, in which one of the goals is to implement a referral system.
1) 08-30-22, 22-0832, HHSA 2022-2023 MHSA Plan Update
2) 07-19-22, 22-1046, HHSA Suicide Prevention Strategic Plan
3) 06-09-20, 20-0446, HHSA Mental Health Services Act FY 2020-21 - FY 2022-23 Plan Approval
4) 06-30-20, 20-0832, HHSA CalMHSA Agreement 4284, Amendment 1 - Hotline
5) 11-05-19, 19-1297, HHSA Agreements 265-M1610 A2, 4282, and 4284
6) 02-15-11, 10-1324, HHSA CalMHSA JPA Agreement
County Counsel, Human Resources, and Risk Management.
Approve as recommended.
Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) funding pays for participation in this Agreement. There is no General Fund Cost associated with this Agenda item. Sufficient appropriations were included in the Fiscal Year 2022-23 Budget.
1) Clerk of the Board to obtain the Chair’s signature on two (2) originals of Agreement 7153.
2) Clerk of the Board to return both signed originals to Health and Human Services Agency, Contracts Unit for further processing.
Healthy Communities. Suicide Prevention.
Olivia Byron-Cooper, MPH, Interim Director, Health and Human Services Agency