Health and Human Services Agency and Veteran Affairs are recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign a letter to support the California Economic Development Department's assignment of a Veterans' Services Representative to the Connections Resource Center located in Placerville, on an on-going, part-time basis to provide local veterans with greater accessibility to available services.
FUNDING: State of California Employment Development Department (Pass-through Federal Funding).
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost
The letter of support has no financial impact to the County. The California Employment Development Department (EDD) is the employer of the Veterans' Services Representative. Facility space will be provided by the Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) Workforce Investment Act Program at the Placerville Connections Resource Center (one-stop). Sufficient appropriations for general one-stop operating costs are included in the Agency's FY 2013-14 Budget.
WIA workforce development services are designed to benefit job seekers, laid off workers, youth, incumbent workers, new entrants to the workforce, veterans, persons with disabilities, and employers; and are available in local communities through the comprehensive one-stop delivery system. EDD veterans' representatives specialize in assisting veterans in their efforts to return to work. Services provided include a veteran 24-hour priority hold on all job listings, customized job search assistance, job fairs, employer recruitments, and other events and resources.
Title I WIA program services in El Dorado County are provided by the HHSA, as a subcontractor to the Golden Sierra Job Training Agency, the local workforce investment area administrator. HHSA operates two WIA one-stop career centers, known as Connections Resource Centers, in Placerville and South Lake Tahoe. Under Section 121(b) of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998, local WIA one-stop operators are required to partner with certain federally funded providers of vocational and employment services including veterans' workforce programs.
As a required partner under WIA, EDD previously had staff, including a veterans' services representative, located at the Placerville and South Lake Tahoe one-stops. Due to funding constraints and space accommodations, which required facility improvements, EDD staff has not been located in the El Dorado County one-stops since 2011.
In August of 2013, HHSA staff met with EDD regarding the possible assignment of a Veterans' Services Representative to the Placerville Connections Resource Center, one day per week. The associated space requested for the possible assignment in Placerville meet EDD's requirements for part-time use and were approved by HHSA in October 2013. While EDD has not yet confirmed the assignment of a Veterans' Services Representative to the Placerville Connections Resource Center, the letter reaffirms the County's interest in moving forward with this effort.
Reason for Recommendation
The federal Department of Labor has provided direction requiring workforce programs to provide services to veterans, and the need for local veteran employment services exists in our community. HHSA and Veteran Affairs strongly encourage and support EDD's reinstatement of a local presence through the assignment of a part-time Veterans' Services Representative to the Connections Resource Center in Placerville for the enhancement of essential veteran services.
Clerk of the Board Follow up Actions
Provide Health and Human Services Agency, at Briw Road, with one (1) copy of the letter of support signed by the Chair.
Don Ashton, M.P.A., Director, Health and Human Services Agency
William Schultz, Interim Director, Veteran Affairs