Public Health Department recommending Chairman be authorized to sign Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Lake Tahoe Unified School District for the use of said facilities in hosting a point of distribution site supporting the Public Health Preparedness Plan.
Total Estimated Cost$0.00 Funding Budgeted$ New Funding$ Savings$ Other$ Total Funding Available$Change To Net County Cost$0.00
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost: There is no fiscal component to this MOU nor any net County cost.
Background: The Public Health Department is currently working on its Public Health Preparedness Plan, a component of the El Dorado County Emergency Operations' Plan. In conjunction with this process, Public Health is currently preparing multiple Agreements with various possible POD site providers, including the Lake Tahoe Unified School District. The Department is responsible in locating, setting up and operating a POD in times of health emergencies.
Reason for Recommendation: The purpose of a POD is to provide medication to protect the public from biologic threats or epidemics. It involves the following activities:
1. The setup and operation of a vaccination and medical supply dispensing unit to serve populations before they become symptomatic,
2. Locate and coordinate personnel to staff the dispensing operation,
3. Train and organize volunteers to perform dispensing site functions,
4. Isolate symptomatic individuals and arrange to transport them to acute care facilities, and
5. Provide information about community efforts to protect the public from the threat/disaster
The Public Health Department's Mass Dispensing Plan details a procedure to accomplish the activities described above. This document will serve as the plan for the Department's dispensing activities within its respective public health jurisdictions.
The goals of the Mass Dispensing Plan are as follows:
1. To decrease the number of individuals who may get ill during a public health emergency,
2. To provide information about the emergency involved and the medical treatment (antibiotic or vaccine),
3. To provide medication to an exposed population within a given time period. The
specifics of the population and the time frame are often event specific.
Action to be taken following Board approval: Chairman to sign three (3) copies of the attached MOU; Board Clerk's Office to forward two (2) copies to Public Health; Public Health to distribute copies to appropriate parties; Public Health to return to the Board for approval and signature of similar MOU's with other agencies and POD site providers.
Contact: Dan Buffalo