Community Development Agency, Long Range Planning Division, recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign Agreement for Services 515-S1711 with Dokken Engineering, in the not-to-exceed amount of $198,340, to provide civil engineering consultant services to prepare the Cameron Park Drive Interchange Alternatives Analysis, with a term to become effective upon execution by both parties and expiring three years thereafter.
FUNDING: Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee Program.
Community Development Agency (CDA), Long Range Planning Division (Long Range Planning), recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign Agreement for Services 515-S1711 (Agreement) with Dokken Engineering (Dokken), in the not-to-exceed amount of $198,340, to provide civil engineering consultant services to prepare the Cameron Park Drive Interchange Alternatives Analysis, with a term to become effective upon execution by both parties and expiring three years thereafter.
Long Range Planning recommends the Board make findings in accordance with Section 3.13.030 of the County Ordinance Code that it is more economical and feasible to engage an independent contractor for these civil engineering services. The Board has directed and prioritized the analysis of the Cameron Park Drive Interchange Analysis. In order to meet the Board direction in a timely manner and consistent with Section 3.13.030, the following services are required: project initiation and meetings, engineering assistance for design alternatives analysis, and environmental review assistance. The proposed workload and the timeframe in which the services need to be completed are such that existing qualified County staff are not available to perform the work.
In 2007 and 2008, County staff worked in conjunction with the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) staff to produce a Project Study Report-Project Development Support (PSR-PDS) for the Cameron Park Drive Interchange. Caltrans approved three alternatives to be evaluated in the PSR. Each alternative had a cost estimate of $54 Million or more. In October 2008, Caltrans approved the PSR-PDS. In 2009, Alternative 1 was incorporated into the 2009 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and Traffic Impact Mitigation (TIM) Fee Update. The Alternative 1 cost estimate was $68 Million and included eight lanes under the bridge, bridge replacement, and $12 Million in right-of-way costs.
During the 2016 Major Update to the CIP and TIM Fee Program, the 2008 PSR-PDS cost estimate was adjusted to 2015 dollars for a value just over $87 Million. As Long Range Planning was updating the TIM Fee Program, frequent updates were given to the Board. The Board directed staff to keep the Interchange improvements in the Program, but to prepare an updated Alternatives Analysis to investigate the potential of a less expensive fix that provides the appropriate traffic Level of Service. As noted in the background discussion of the Board Memo dated May 16, 2017 (Attachment A), several alternatives had been evaluated in 2010; however, no changes were made to the PSR-PDS. One alternative, the “diverging diamond” configuration, was vetoed by Caltrans during the preparation of the 2008 PSR-PDS. This configuration is now considered acceptable by Caltrans under certain conditions, and will be considered under the updated Alternatives Analysis.
In addition, the El Dorado County travel demand model has been updated, as directed by the Board, to reflect a 1.03% average annual growth rate. This is significantly less than the previous assumption of 3% average annual growth rate. This significant change in traffic forecast, and current General Plan policies require the completion of the Alternatives Analysis to potentially reduce the TIM Fees in TIM Fee Zones 2 and 3.
Initially, staff from the CDA Transportation Division (Transportation), working in concert with Long Range Planning, had planned to complete the Alternatives Analysis in-house. However, the severe rain this winter has redirected Transportation staff to the design and construction of emergency projects to repair damage to the County’s infrastructure. To assist in the civil engineering required to determine appropriate design alternatives and cost estimates for the Cameron Park Drive Interchange, Long Range Planning staff is recommending an agreement with a civil engineering firm to complete the Alternatives Analysis.
The Procurement and Contracts Division completed a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) process for CDA in February 2017 for a variety of project support services. A multi-jurisdictional panel evaluated and ranked each Statement of Qualifications and established, based on category of service, a short list of acceptable service vendors. Dokken ranked first in Project Delivery - Transportation Projects, and determined to be highly qualified to provide the services required in this Agreement. The RFQ process was conducted in accordance with Procurement Policy C-17.
Additional consultant expertise is also required to provide traffic engineering support to complete the Alternative Analysis. A companion agenda item, Legistar 16-0189, will address the First Amendment to Agreement for Services 402-S1611 with DKS Associates, to increase consultant services to provide the necessary traffic engineering and transportation planning services for this Interchange analysis.
CDA Transportation
It is recommended that the Board approve this item.
There is no change to Net County Cost associated with this agenda item for Fiscal Year 2016/17. Funding for this Alternative Analysis will be provided by TIM Fees and has been included in the adopted 2016 CIP.
1) The Clerk of the Board will obtain the Chair's signature on two (2) original copies of the Agreement.
2) The Clerk of the Board will return one (1) fully executed original copy of the Agreement to the CDA Contracts & Procurement Unit for transmittal to Dokken.
The CIP is a vital part of the Infrastructure component of the County Strategic Plan. Adequate infrastructure is necessary for the Economic Development component and a requirement of the County General Plan, and safe roads are a crucial factor in the Public Safety component of the County Strategic Plan.
Natalie K. Porter, Traffic Engineer
Long Range Planning Division
Community Development Agency