Environmental Management Department recommending Board make findings that an outside independent consultant can more economically and feasibly perform work in accordance with County Ordinance Chapter 3.13, Section 3.13.030; and Chairman be authorized to sign the First Amendment to Agreement 024-A-06/07-BOS with Field Solutions, Inc., increasing compensation by $80,000 to $169,000 and extending the term through January 23, 2009 to provide ongoing, extensive analysis of ground and surface water points on and around the Union Mine property.
FUNDING: CSA 10, Solid Waste Funds.
Total Estimated Cost |
$80,000 |
Funding |
Budgeted |
$80,000 |
New Funding |
$ |
Savings |
$ |
Other |
$ |
Total Funding Available |
$80,000 |
Change To Net County Cost |
$0 |
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost: There is no change in Net County Cost, funding is available in the CSA #10 budget.
Background: On January 23rd, 2007, the Board approved Agreement #024-A-06/07-BOS with Field Solutions, Inc., to provide ongoing, extensive analysis of ground and surface water points on and around the Union Mine property, as required by the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board, and to provide landfill gas compliance monitoring and documentation.
Reason for Recommendation: The Waste Discharge Requirement (WDRs), General Storm Water NPDES Permit and Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for the Union Mine Disposal Site require an ongoing extensive analysis of ground and surface water points on and around the Union Mine property. There are over 25 groundwater wells, 10 surface points and 3 mine drainage areas that are routinely tested. Our WDRs require that we tabulate the data and submit extensive quarterly reports to the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board. There are also 23 landfill gas extraction wells located throughout the Union Mine site that must be monitored monthly for permit required parameters. The scope of work proposed by Field Solutions, Inc. will enable the Department to test, report and comply with the next 12 months.
An outside independent consultant can more economically and feasibly perform work. Specialized professional services under this Agreement are not expressly identified in County job classifications.
In accordance with Board of Supervisors Policy C-17, Section 7.4.2, the Purchasing Agent concurs with the department's request to amend this agreement. The amendment calls for a one year term extension covering the period of January 23, 2007 through January 23, 2009 and increases the amount of the contract by $80,000.00 for a total not to exceed amount of $169,000.00
The Purchasing Agent has coordinated outside review with Nick Farros dba NJF Consulting. The Purchasing Agent has determined that this firm is the most qualified to judge Field Solutions' ability to perform the needed services as this firm has more than twenty five years of experience as the design engineer for the Union Mine Landfill, is the owner and operator of the Acme Fill Corporation, an private firm operating a landfill in Martinez, CA, and has uniquely intimate knowledge of the services that are required. NJF Consulting concurs that Field Solutions has demonstrated its ability to perform the work based on prior experience with this consultant, qualifications of the consultant, and the availability of the consultant to perform the services.
The County Purchasing Agent has reviewed the department's request to amend the contract with Field Solutions, Inc. and concurs that the continued use of this consultant is appropriate in order to avoid an interruption of needed services. The Purchasing Agent concurs that the department's request is in compliance with Board of Supervisors Policy C-17, Sections 7.4.2, 7.5, and 7.10.
Action to be taken following Board approval: Upon execution by the Chair, the Board Clerks Office will forward copies of the First Amendment to the Environmental Management Department for distribution, encumbrance, and administration.
Contact: Greg Stanton, Deputy Director, Environmental Management Department