Hearing to consider the recommendation of the Planning Commission on Rezone Z11-0001/Planned Development PD11-0001/Tentative Map TM11-1502/Treviso II on property identified by APN 120-700-07, consisting of 6.98 acres, in the El Dorado Hills area, submitted by Ridgeview Homes West, LLC; and recommending the Board take the following actions:
1) Adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration based on the Initial Study prepared by staff;
2) Adopt the Mitigation Monitoring Reporting Program in accordance with CEQA Guidelines Section 15074(d) incorporated as Conditions of Approval listed in Attachment 1;
3) Approve Z11-0001 rezoning APN 120-700-07 from One-Acre Residential-Planned Development (R1A-PD) to One-Family Residential-Planned Development (R1-PD) and Open Space-Planned Development (OS-PD) based on the Findings listed in Attachment 1;
4) Approve Planned Development PD11-0001, approving the Development Plan as the official Development Plan, based on the Findings and subject to the Conditions of Approval listed in Attachment 1;
5) Approve Tentative Map TM11-1502 based on the Findings and subject to Conditions of Approval listed in Attachment 1;
6) Approve the following Design Waivers based on the Findings listed in Attachment 1:
(a) Reduction of right-of-way from 50 feet to 31 feet for private road (Lot R) Via Treviso;
(b) Reduction of sidewalk width from 6 feet to 4 feet and placement of sidewalk on one side of private road Lot R;
(c) Reduction of off-site road pavement width (Via Barlogio) from 36 feet to 24 feet wide without standard sidewalk and curb and gutters; and
(d) Increase the maximum driveway gradient from 16% to 20% serving Lot 20;
7) Approve a reduction of wetland setback from 50 feet to 25 feet based on the Findings as presented and in accordance with Interim Interpretive Guidelines for General Plan Policy (Wetland Buffers and Setbacks); and
8) Adopt Ordinance 4974 for said rezone. (Supervisorial District 1) (Est. Time: 15 Min.)
Background: Request to consider Rezone Z11-0001/Planned Development PD11-0001/Tentative Map TM11-1502/Treviso II submitted by RIDGEVIEW HOMES WEST, LLC (Agent: CTA Engineering and Surveying) to request the following: (1) Rezone of property from One-Acre Residential-Planned Development (R1A-PD) to One-Family Residential-Planned Development (R1-PD) and Open Space-Planned Development (OS-PD); (2) Development Plan for the proposed clustered residential subdivision (Treviso II) to include 20 residential lots, one open space lot, and modified One-Family Residential (R1) zone district development standards; (3) Tentative Subdivision Map dividing a 6.98-acre lot into twenty (20) Class I residential lots ranging in size from 5,181 square feet to 62,012 square feet, one private road (Lot R) measuring 0.46 acre, and one Open Space lot measuring 2.27 acres; (4) Design Waivers of the following Design and Improvement Standards Manual (DISM) Standard Plan standards: (a) Reduction of right-of-way from 50 feet to 31 feet for private road (Lot R) Via Treviso; (b) Reduction of sidewalk width from 6 feet to 4 feet and placement of sidewalk on one side of private road Lot R; (c) Reduction of off-site road pavement width (Via Barlogio) from 36 feet to 24 feet wide without standard sidewalk and curb and gutters; and (d) Increase the maximum driveway gradient from 16% to 20% serving Lot 20; and (5) Findings of Consistency with General Plan Policy in accordance with the Interim Interpretive Guidelines to reduce setback from 50 feet to 25 feet from an identified wetland. The property, identified by Assessor's Parcel Number 120-700-07, consisting of 6.98 acres, is located at the terminus of existing Via Treviso, approximately 1,361 feet north of intersection with Crestline Circle, in the El Dorado Hills area, Supervisorial District 1. [Project Planner: Mel Pabalinas] (Mitigated negative declaration prepared)
These applications were considered by the Planning Commission on January 26, 2012 and were recommended for approval (5-0). The minutes from this meeting are attached.
Hard copies of the Staff Report exhibits are provided in black and white, however, some exhibits are available "in color" electronically on the Board's agenda website.
Contact: Roger Trout (5369)/Pierre Rivas (5841)
Follow-up for COB: Send Dept 4 copies of Minute Order and Ordinance