Hearing to consider the following pertaining to Site Plan Review SPR 08-0022 to allow a one day music festival on Saturday, June 6, 2009 from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. with an estimated attendance of 3,000 on property identified as APN 006-011-42, consisting of 18.69 acres: Applicant: El Dorado Arts Council. (District IV).
(1) Certify the project is Categorically Exempt pursuant to Section 15304(e) of the California Environmental Quality Act; and
(2) Approve the outdoor music festival permit pursuant to §5.32 of the County Code, based on the findings and subject to the conditions listed on Attachment 1.
RECOMMENDED ACTION: Planning staff recommends the Board take the following action: 1. Certify the project is Categorically Exempt pursuant to Section 15304(e) of the CEQA Guidelines; and 2. Approve the outdoor music festival permit pursuant to §5.32 of the County Code, based on the findings and subject to the conditions listed on Attachment 1.
Background: The El Dorado Arts Council is proposing to present the fourth Coloma Blues Live! outdoor music festival. The event serves as a fundraiser for the El Dorado Arts Council. No major issues have arisen from past events.
The request, submitted by the El Dorado Arts Council, is for a permit to hold an outdoor music festival consistent with §5.32 of the County Code. The one day music festival is proposed for Saturday, June 6, 2009, from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. with an expected attendance of 3,000 people. Set up for the event will take place Friday, June 5, 2009. Clean up would begin after the show on Saturday, June 6, 2009 and would be completed after the stage is dismantled on Sunday, June 7, 2009.
Adjacent Land Uses:
Site: RF / TR / County recreation facility
North: RF/RE-5 / TR / Single family residence, church, BLM undeveloped land,
South Fork of the American River
South: C / C / Single family residence, undeveloped
East: RF/RE-10 / RR/PF/MDR / County recreation facility, single family residence, fire station
West: RF / TR / County recreation facility, undeveloped
As itemized in Exhibit F, all requirements of §5.32 have been met by the applicant. Parking is more than adequate with a total of 1,805 parking spaces made available with 750 spaces being required by ordinance. Shuttles will be provided from parking areas not adjacent to the event site. A Caltrans encroachment permit is in process and is required to be approved prior to the event. Emergency medical services are to be provided by the Sheriff's Office of Emergency Services and El Dorado County Search and Rescue which is the same coverage provided for the County Fair. The County Health Officer has granted approval to the proposed medical coverage. The only exception is the request by the applicant that the issuance of Certificates of Insurance naming all property owners as "Additional Insured's" will satisfy the requirements for hold harmless agreements and insurance of County benefit. This exception has been approved in previous years for the event. Liability Insurance coverage for the June 7, 2008, event was $2,000,000 and the applicant will hold the same level of Liability Insurance for the June 6, 2009, event as was approved for past events.
Environmental Review: This project has been found to be Categorically Exempt pursuant to Section 15304(e) of the California Environmental Quality Act which states in part, "Minor temporary use of land having negligible or no permanent effects on the environment, including carnivals, sale of Christmas trees, etc."
Contact: Roger P. Trout (5369)/Pierre Rivas (5841)