Probation Department recommending the following pertaining to the Juvenile Justice Crime Prevention Act Program Expansion:
(1) Chairman be authorized to sign Budget Transfer 27087 increasing revenues from the Corrections Standards Authority for said Department to be used for the Community Alliance to Reduce Truancy (CART) Program;
(2) Adopt Resolution amending Authorized Personnel Allocation Resolution by adding one (1) Deputy Probation Officer I/II to the Community Alliance to Reduce Truancy Program; and
(3) Authorize the purchase of one (1) laptop computer for the Juvenile Justice Crime Prevention Act Program. (4/5 vote required)
RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve and Adopt Resolution 420-2006.
FUNDING: Juvenile Justice Crime Prevention Act Program.
Total Estimated Cost |
$618,192.00 |
Funding |
Budgeted |
$538,380.00 |
New Funding |
$79,812.00 |
Savings |
$ |
Other |
$ |
Total Funding Available |
$618,192.00 |
Change To Net County Cost |
$0 |
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost:
No impact/change to Net County Cost.
The JJCPA is the principal funding source for the CART Program administered by the Probation Department. The funding itself is administered by the CSA (formerly the Board of Corrections).
Reason for Recommendation:
For FY 06/07 the CSA has notified the Probation Department that additional JJCPA funding is allocated allowing for expansion of the CART Program. The Probation Department has evaluated Countywide operations and is recommending South Tahoe High School be added as a CART campus. Although in past years school resource services have been provided at South Tahoe High School, no CART services have been provided for this campus. The CSA assigned Field Representative for El Dorado County has related such expansion of the CART Program is within the scope of the funding and will not require any major program modification.
A Deputy Probation Officer I/II will be assigned directly to the South Tahoe High School campus. Probation has met with campus administration and secured support for this CART Program expansion. The CART Probation Officer (CART PO) will be provided an office at the school and access to school communications, to include phone, computer and radio access. The CART PO will need to be assigned a laptop computer in order to complete the statistical / data collection requirements associated with the JJCPA funding.
The South Tahoe High School CART PO will intensively supervise a limited caseload of up to fifteen (15) minors (students) who fall within the jurisdiction of the Juvenile Court pursuant to sections 725a/725b and 790 of the Welfare and Institutions Code. Restricting the size of the caseload will insure an intensive supervision model assisting in the successful rehabilitation of the offenders and increased offender management of those minors who present the greatest risk at the campus.
The CART PO will work closely with school officials and students to promote a system of cooperation between, students, parents, faculty and the Probation Department. As a member of the “campus team,” the CART PO will assure the attendance of probationers, provide intake services for offenses occurring on or discovered at the campus, and participate in meetings, presentations, and Student Attendance Review Boards (SARB) to assure students under probation supervision are appropriately assessed and placed in the correct educational setting suitable for their specific educational needs. The high profile CART PO will also provide assistance during special school events, such as lunch hours, dances and sporting events.
Action to be taken following Board approval:
1) Chairman to sign Resolution amending Authorized Personnel Allocation Resolution by adding one (1) FTE Deputy Probation Officer I/II to the Community Alliance to Reduce Truancy (CART) Program.
2) Chairman to sign Budget Transfer.
3) Authorize Probation Department to proceed within the approved Purchasing Ordinance to purchase one (1) laptop computer for use by the CART PO for the required data collection needed for JJCPA funding compliance.
Contact: Joseph S. Warchol, II, Chief Probation Officer; (530) 621-5958.
Concurrence: Human Resources