Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA), Probation Department and Sheriff's Office recommending the Board adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 002-2016, which permits the HHSA Director, the Chief Probation Officer, and the Sheriff to support “Stepping Up,” a nationwide initiative with the goal of reducing the number of inmates with mental illnesses in county jails.
FUNDING: There is no funding associated with this Resolution.
“Stepping Up” is a nationwide initiative aimed at reducing the number of inmates with mental illnesses in county jails. The initiative is supported by the National Association of Counties, the Council of State Governments Justice Center, and the American Psychiatric Association Foundation. Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) recommends the Board of Supervisors adopt and authorize the Chair to sign a Resolution to permit the HHSA Director, the Chief Probation Officer, and the Sheriff to formally support the “Stepping Up” initiative.
“Stepping Up” is a national initiative with the goal of “Stepping Up” help to advance county efforts across the United States in reducing the number of adults with mental illness in county jails. As noted by the initiative, the prevalence of mental illness among adults in jails is three to six times higher than for the general population.
HHSA, the Probation Department, and the Sheriff’s Office joined together to create the El Dorado Community Corrections Partnership, as required in Penal Code Section 1230. In 2014, HHSA, the Probation Department, and the Sheriff’s Office opened the Community Corrections Center (CCC). The mission of the CCC is to serve adult offenders by delivering an evidence-based approach to treatment in a collaborative setting to reduce offender risk factors and recidivism, and to increase community safety. HHSA, the Probation Department, and the Sheriff’s Office remain committed to ongoing collaboration to support adult offenders with the goal of reducing recidivism. The CCC also supports the national “Stepping Up” initiative.
The “Stepping Up” initiative requests counties across the United States to offer support by engaging individuals at all levels of government, in community organizations, and from individuals with mental illness. With this support, the initiative strives to accomplish the following: 1) collect and review available data about the rates of mentally ill adults in the county jails and the rate of re-offending adults with mental illness; 2) identify barriers to individuals accessing treatment and support in the community; and 3) develop a plan with measurable outcomes to enable implementation of research-based approaches to reduce the number of adult offenders and re-offenders with mental illness in the county jails.
HHSA, the Probation Department, and the Sheriff’s Office request the support of the Board of Supervisors for the national “Stepping Up” initiative by adopting and authorizing the Chair to sign the “Stepping Up” resolution.
The Board may elect to not adopt the “Stepping Up” resolution, which will not have any operational impact, but will lose an opportunity to increase awareness of mental illness as well as an opportunity to confirm the County's commitment to working collaboratively to treat mental illness.
County Counsel
It is recommended that the Board approve this item.
There is no Net County Cost associated with this Agenda item.
1. Clerk of the Board to provide HHSA with a certified copy of the adopted Resolution.
2. Clerk of the Board to provide HHSA with a certified Minute Order approving the Resolution.
Health and Human Services Agency Strategic Plan Project 3.1, “Program/Service Integration;” Objective 3.1.2, “Support the multi-disciplinary development of the Community Correction Partnership through the provision of Agency services for eligible individuals per Assembly Bill 109.
Don Ashton, M.P.A., Director