Chief Administrative Office, Procurement and Contracts Division, recommending award of Request for Proposal 07-961-053 for County surplus property auction services to the successful proposer Roger Ernst & Associates Auctioneering, Inc. of Modesto, California and make findings that it are more economical and feasible to contract out the needed services in accordance with County Ordinance 3.13.030; and authorize the Chairman to execute an agreement for same upon County Counsel and Risk Management review and approval.
FUNDING: Not applicable.
REASON FOR RECOMMENDATION: Pursuant to Government Code and County Ordinance, the Purchasing Agent is responsible for the acquisition and disposal of County surplus personal property. The Purchasing Agent requested competitive proposals from qualified auctioneers to provide professional auctioneering services on behalf of the County.
Nine (9) proposals were mailed, five (5) qualified responses were received. No local vendors provide auctioneering services.
Proposal responses were evaluated by a committee of County personnel from the Procurement and Contracts Division, the Chief Administrative Office, the Department of Transportation, and personnel from the El Dorado Irrigation District. Responses were evaluated based on: ability to perform the required services, experience, pricing arrangements, references, past performance, adequacy of facilities and location of sales, quality of accounting, records, and reports, transportation, storage, and security of facilities. Roger Ernst and Associates was selected as the successful proposer that best meets the needs of the County and with the greatest offer of return on net proceeds of sales.
The County's previous and most recent auctioneering contract was with Roger Ernst and Associates where the auctioneer earned a 6% commission on rolling stock (cars, trucks, heavy equipment, etc.); 12% on miscellaneous surplus property (furniture, office machines, appliances, computers, etc.); and 10% on all law enforcement asset seizures property. The current proposal offers a flat 2% commission on all categories of personal property.
Your Board is being asked to make findings that it is more economical and feasible to contract out the necessary services as the contractor specializes in auctioneering services, maintains the facilities to store large quantities of property, and has the specialized equipment necessary to move rolling stock.
The County officer or employee with responsibility for administering the agreement is Bonnie H. Rich, Purchasing Agent, or successor. A copy of the draft agreement is attached for your review.
ACTION TO BE TAKEN FOLLOWING APPROVAL: Following Board approval, the Procurement and Contracts Division will process the agreement for auctioneering services and submit to Chair for execution upon County Counsel and Risk Management review and approval.
Contact: Bonnie H. Rich, Purchasing Agent x5940
Concurrences: Not Applicable