P23-0006 Hackomiller Parcel Map Assessor’s Parcel Number: 088-021-040-000
Planning Request and Project Description:
The applicant is requesting a tentative parcel map to subdivide an approximately 170-acre parcel into three parcels. Two of the proposed parcels would be 40 acres, and the third parcel would be 90 acres.
Planning Division is requesting a determination from the Agricultural Commission on whether the proposed project, P23-0006 (APN 088-021-040-000), is consistent and compliant with Chapter 8, Agriculture and Forestry Element, in the County General Plan. The properties are in Supervisor District 4 and all of the aforementioned parcels are located in an Agricultural District.
Relevant Policies:
General Plan Policy -On any parcel 10 acres or larger identified as having an existing or potential agricultural use, the Agricultural Commission must consider and provide a recommendation on the agricultural use (except for parcels assigned urban or other non-agricultural uses by the land use map for the 1996 General Plan) or potential of that parcel and whether the request will diminish or impair the existing or potential use prior to any discretionary permit being approved.
General Plan Policy - Some lands within Rural Regions have historically been used for commercial grazing of livestock and are currently capable of sustaining commercial grazing of livestock. If they can be demonstrated to be suitable land for grazing, and they were not assigned urban or other nonagricultural uses in the Land Use Map for the 1996 General Plan, those lands shall be protected with a minimum of 40 acres unless such lands already have smaller parcels or the Board of Supervisors determines that economic, social, or other considerations justify the creation of smaller parcels for development or other nonagricultural uses. Where 40-acre minimum parcel sizes are maintained, planned developments may be considered which are consistent with the underlying land use designation. Before taking any actions to create parcels of less than 40 acres in areas subject to this policy, the Board of Supervisors and or Planning Commission shall solicit and consider input from the Agricultural Commission.
(AL) - Agricultural Lands This designation is applied to lands described in Policy A maximum of two residential dwellings used to support the agricultural use are allowed. The AL designation may be applied in Rural Regions only.
Policy - Lands assigned the Agricultural Land (AL) designation shall be of sufficient size to sustain agricultural use and should possess one or more of the following characteristics:
A. Are currently under a Williamson Act or Farmland Security Zone Contract;
B. Contain the characteristics of choice agricultural land (i.e., contain choice agricultural soils and/or contain Prime Farmland, Farmland of Statewide Importance, Unique Farmland, or Locally Important Farmland); or
C. Are under cultivation for commercial crop production or are identified as grazing land;
And one of the following:
1. Are located in the county’s Rural Region; or
2. The County Department of Agriculture has determined that the land is well suited for agricultural production
Parcel Description:
• Parcel Number and Acreage: 088-021-040, 169.85 acres
• Agricultural District: Yes
• Land Use Designation: AL, Agricultural Lands
• Zoning: PA-20, Planned Agricultue 20 Acres
• Choice Soils:
o JtC: Josephine Silt Loam 5 To 15 % Slopes
o SkC: Sites Loam 9 To 15 % Slopes
A site visit was conducted on November 29, 2023, to review consistency with pertinent ordinances and General Plan policies. Agricultural Commissioner, Tim Neilsen, representing the livestock industry was present at the site visit.
Staff Findings:
The proposed parcel map breaking this 169.85 acre parcel into a 90 acre parcel and 2-40 acre parcels is consistent with General Plan Policy This parcel was not assigned urban or other nonagricultural uses in the Land Use Map for the 1996 General Plan. The parcel’s land use designation in the 1996 General Plan was Rural Residential which is consistent with agricultural production.
Rural Residential (RR): This land use designation establishes areas for residential and agricultural development. These lands will typically have limited infrastructure and public services and will remain for the most part in their natural state. This category is appropriate for lands that are characterized by steeper topography, high fire hazards, and limited or substandard access as well as “choice” agricultural soils. The RR designation shall be used as a transition between LDR and the Natural Resource (NR) designation. Clustering of residential units under allowable densities is encouraged as a means of preserving large areas in their natural state or for agricultural production. Typical uses include single family residences, agricultural support structures, a full range of agricultural production uses, recreation, and mineral development activities. The allowable density for this designation is one dwelling unit per 10 to 160 acres. This designation is considered appropriate only in the Rural Regions.
This request is consistent with policy as it maintains the 40-acre minimum for parcels identified as historic grazing lands.
The parcels directly to the south and the west is in a Williamson Act Contracts, with cattle grazing operations for qualification.
In regards to policy, staff finds that this project is consistent with all applicable County policies and the General Plan, but could still diminish or impair existing or future agricultural use due to smaller parcel sizes.
In regards to policy, this parcel is identified as grazing land and is in a rural region.
Staff Recommendations:
Staff finds that this project follows all applicable County policies and the General Plan.
Planning Department - Anna Quan, Agriculture Department - LeeAnne Mila Agricultural Commissioner, Corrie Larsen Assistant Agricultural Commissioner