Health and Human Services Agency, recommending the Board:
1) Delegate authority to the Health and Human Services Agency Director to accept grant funding from the California Emergency Medical Services Authority for the Data Quality Improvement Project grant program, if awarded. The grant is for the purchase of electronic mobile devices, in an estimated amount of up to $62,000 with no required match obligation; and
2) Authorize the Health and Human Services Agency Director to execute the grant agreement contingent upon County Counsel approval.
FUNDING: State Funding.
1) Delegate authority to the Health and Human Services Agency Director to accept grant funding from the California Emergency Medical Services Authority (EMSA) for the Data Quality Improvement Project grant program, if awarded. The grant is for the purchase of electronic mobile devices, in an estimated amount of up to $62,000 with no required match obligation; and
2) Authorize the Health and Human Services Agency Director to execute the grant agreement contingent upon County Counsel approval.
The electronic mobile devices will be utilized by local Emergency Medical Service (EMS) service agencies for collecting and submitting Electronic Prehospital Care Report (EPCR) data to the Local Emergency Medical Service Agency (LEMSA).
This grant application is due on January 18th, 2017. Grant award will be given on February 1st. HHSA is asking for authorization to accept the grant in advance of actual award in order to expedite the grant administration process so that grant-funded electronic mobile devices may be implemented with the Electronic Patient Report System (EPCR), which is scheduled for the February/March timeframe.
Currently, HHSA utilizes a manual (paper) method of reporting Prehospital Care Reports. To maintain compliance with El Dorado County EMS Agency Quality Improvement Plan the EMS Agency has committed to implementing an Electronic Patient Care Report System (EPCR).
The implementation of an EPCR System is also a State requirement, identified in the California Health and Safety Code, Section 1797.227, which requires each emergency medical provider use an electronic health record compliant with the current version of the National Emergency Medical Services Information Systems Version (NEMSIS) and the California Emergency Medical Services Information System (CEMSIS). The electronic health record system must be integrated with the local EMS agency’s data system, and the local EMS agency must be able to collect data from the provider.
On September 13, 2016, the Board awarded Request for Proposals, No. 16-918-060, to the successful proposer, ImageTrend, Inc. to provide an EPCR. HHSA is currently finalizing negotiations and the development of the Agreement with ImageTrend. As part of the implementation process HHSA will need to purchase mobile devices and other hardware for the EMS service agencies. If awarded, this grant will reduce the use of County funds appropriated for the purchase of the hardware required to implement the EPCR system.
This grant funding opportunity is for the purchase of electronic mobile devices that have the capability to utilize Image Trend’s EPCR software and is compliant with both NEMSIS and CEMSIS.
The California Emergency Medical Services Authority anticipates making multiple one-time awards totaling $1.2 Million and reserves the right to fund selected applications at a level less than requested based upon project priorities and available funding.
Should the Board decline to authorize acceptance of grant funding, if awarded, the County would be unable to help defray EPCR project costs in an amount up to $62,000.
County Counsel and Information Technologies.
It is recommended that the Board approve this item.
There is no Net County Cost associated with this Agenda item. The grant requires no match obligation.
Clerk of the Board to provide a copy of the approved minute order to HHSA Contracts Unit at 3057 Briw Rd.
Patricia Charles-Heathers, Ph.D., Director