Chief Administrative Office, Procurement and Contracts Division presenting the first quarterly summary and detailed procurement and contract activity reports pursuant to Board of Supervisors Policy C-17 since the adoption of the new County Purchasing Ordinance and Purchasing Agent requesting direction on any requested modifications to the content of said reports and requesting approval of minor corrections to Board of Supervisors Policy C-17.
FUNDING: Not applicable.
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost: Not applicable
Background: On September 12, 2006, item #59, your board adopted new County Purchasing Ordinance 4703 and Board of Supervisors Procurement Policy C-17. With the adoption of the new ordinance and procurement policy, additional authority to purchase goods and services was delegated to the Purchasing Agent. The Purchasing Agent with concurrence from the Chief Administrative Officer was given authority to delegate additional purchasing authority to departments for the purchase of goods.
Reason for Recommendation: Your Board approved the increased spending thresholds along with a requirement that the Purchasing Agent present to your Board, not less than quarterly, a report of procurement and contract activity. The first quarterly report submitted with this agenda item includes procurement and contract activity from the effective date of the new policy and ordinance October 11, 2006 through December 31, 2006.
A summary report and a comprehensive report have been provided for your review and the Purchasing Agent is requesting direction on any modifications to the content of these reports. A copy of the complete report is available on the Procurement and Contracts internet web-site.
Your Board is being asked to approve minor revisions to Board of Supervisors Policy C-17.
Section 4.9, page 7, adds language authorizing the County's Elections Official to issue and execute purchase orders for elections materials in amounts up to $100,000.00.
Section 5.5.3, page 13, eliminates the protest procedure for the Informal Bid Process.
Section 5.6.5, page 14, revises the requirement to notify bidders from "in writing" to "public posting" of bid results of the Protest Procedure for the Formal Bid Process. A strike through version of these changes is attached for your convenience.
Action to be taken following Board approval: Purchasing Agent will make requested modifications to procurement activity reports as directed and will implement policy changes as approved by your Board.
Contact: Bonnie H. Rich, Purchasing Agent x5940
Concurrences: Not Applicable