Development Services Department, Planning Services Division, submitting the final map (TM99-1359F) for West Valley Village, Unit 5A in the El Dorado Hills area; and recommending Chairman be authorized to sign Agreement to Make Subdivision Improvements with Landsource Holding Company, LLC and Lennar Communities, Inc.
Planning staff recommends the Board of Supervisors take the following actions: 1. Approve the final map for West Valley Village, Unit 5A; and 2. Authorize the Chair to sign the Subdivision Improvement Agreement.
Background: The final map for Unit 5A is within the West Valley Village portion of the Valley View Specific Plan, which was adopted by the Board of Supervisors on December 8, 1998. This sub-unit is a portion of Unit 5 encompassing a total of 214 residential lots originally approved on January 22, 2004, under Tentative Map TM99-1359. A subsequent revision to the map, filed under TM99-1359R, involving changes to road access and lot layouts, was approved on July 7, 2004. The proposed Unit 5A final map reflects a maximum 104 residential lots, ranging from 0.33 to 2.0 acres in size, and is consistent with the standards identified in the underlying Estate Residential (ER-2) District.
Improvement Agreements and Bonds: The applicant has submitted an Agreement to Make Subdivision Improvements and bonds pursuant to Section 16.16.050 of the County Code. The Department of Transportation has reviewed and approved the submitted cost estimates. County Counsel and Risk Management have reviewed and approved the Improvement Agreement and bonds for the subdivision.
Conditions of Approval: Staff has reviewed the Conditions of Approval for TM99-1359F (Unit 5A) and noted that all of the applicable conditions for the tentative map have been satisfied (Attachment B). The Department of Transportation and the County Surveyor’s Office have reviewed and verified compliance with the applicable conditions; approval memorandums from each department are included as Attachments E and F, respectively.
Water: The El Dorado Irrigation District has provided a Meter Award Letter verifying that the project has purchased the required Equivalent Dwelling Units (EDU’s) for water (potable and recycled) and wastewater to serve all of the 104 residential lots.
Environmental Review: The project has been determined to be Statutorily Exempt from environmental review under CEQA as provided for by Section 15268(b)(3) of the CEQA Guidelines pertaining to ministerial approval of final subdivision maps.
Attachment A - Vicinity Map
Attachment B - Conditions/Status of Conditions Report
Attachment C - Reduced Copy of Final Map
Attachment D - El Dorado Irrigation District Meter Award Letter
Attachment E - Approval Memo from the Department of Transportation
Attachment F - Approval Memo from the County Surveyor’s Office
Attachment G - Subdivision Agreement Routing Slip
Contact: Gregory L. Fuz (5445)/Lawrence W. Appel (7698)