File #: 25-0009    Version: 1
Type: Agenda Item Status: Approved
File created: 12/10/2024 In control: Board of Supervisors
On agenda: 2/4/2025 Final action: 2/4/2025
Title: Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) recommending the Board adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 016-2025, authorizing the addition of a 0.50 Full-Time Equivalent Limited-Term Program Assistant Personnel Allocation in HHSA for a term ending on March 31, 2026. FUNDING: 100% California Department of Aging Modernizing the Older Californian’s Act.
Attachments: 1. A - Counsel Approved Resolution Routing Sheet, 2. B - Resolution, 3. Executed Resolution 016-2025
Related files: 24-1473, 23-2054, 23-1154


Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) recommending the Board adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 016-2025, authorizing the addition of a 0.50 Full-Time Equivalent Limited-Term Program Assistant Personnel Allocation in HHSA for a term ending on March 31, 2026.


FUNDING: 100% California Department of Aging Modernizing the Older Californian’s Act.



HHSA’s Area Agency on Aging (AAA) Older Americans Act (OAA) funded programs rely heavily on volunteers in every aspect of program operations as allowed by Title 22 California Code of Regulations (CCR) Section 7636.3(d), which states, “volunteers shall be recruited and used in any phase of program operations where qualified.” Volunteers are vital to the HHSA’s Senior Nutrition program operations, where they assist with office support, kitchen preparation, meal packaging, congregate dining service, and distributing home-delivered meals to vulnerable seniors in the community.

In this Personnel Allocation request, HHSA is requesting the addition of the 0.50 full-time equivalent (FTE) limited term (LT) Program Assistant for the purpose of implementing the Senior Volunteer Development and Coordination program. The goal for this position is to aid the program by improving recruitment, engagement, and training efforts of volunteers in the Senior Volunteer Development program. This position will improve the ability of the AAA to enable older adults to engage in volunteerism opportunities, especially in the Senior Nutrition Home Delivered Meals program.

HHSA’s AAA program was awarded Modernizing the Older Californian’s Act (MOCA) funding through Funding Agreement #OM-2223-29 from the California Department of Aging (CDA). Funding through the MOCA Agreement includes a 0.50 FTE LT Program Assistant to assist with the volunteer needs of AAA’s Older Adult programs. This personnel allocation’s limited term will coincide with the end date of the MOCA Funding Agreement which is March 31, 2026.

AAA programs not only provide essential services to seniors but also engage them as volunteers. Increasing volunteer participation will improve the ability of AAA programs to serve older adults and help reduce social isolation among individuals aged 60 and older. By enhancing recruitment, engagement, and training initiatives, this role will strengthen efforts to involve older adults as volunteers, especially in the Senior Nutrition Home Delivered Meals program. Without this position, the program implementation would otherwise be delayed, and funds allocated to this position through the MOCA Funding Agreement would remain unspent.

On June 18, 2024, the Board approved and adopted Resolution 105-2024, approving Authorized Personnel Allocations for Fiscal Year 2024-25 (Legistar file 24-1070). Working closely with the County Human Resources Department, HHSA has developed the attached County Counsel approved Personnel Allocation Resolution.



Should the Board decline to approve this recommendation, the MOCA funding available for Senior Volunteer Development and Coordination would not be fully expended.



06/20/2023, 23-1154, CAO - FY 2023-24 Personnel Allocation

12/12/2023, 23-2054, HHSA Personnel Allocation Resolution - Limited Term Expiration Extensions

09/24/2024, 24-1473, HHSA Senior Nutrition Personnel Allocation Limited Term Extension



Human Resources, El Dorado County Employees’ Association, Local 1, AFSCME Council 57, and County Counsel.



Approve as recommended.



The addition of a 0.50 FTE Limited Term Program Assistant allocation will be funded by the MOCA Funding Agreement through March 31, 2026. The 0.5 FTE allocation will cost approximately $50,059 a year. There are sufficient appropriations in the Fiscal Year 2024-25 Budget to cover the addition of this position and appropriations for the budget will be included in future budgets.



1) Obtain signature of Chair on Resolution, if approved.

2) If signed, provide one (1) certified Resolution to HHSA-Contracts at 3057 Briw Rd and one (1) certified Resolution to Human Resources at 330 Fair Lane.






Olivia Byron-Cooper, MPH, Director, Health and Human Services Agency