Hearing to consider adoption of Ordinance 4808 amending Section 17.14 of Title 17 of the El Dorado County Ordinance Code pertaining to the orderly development of wineries and accessory uses within specified agricultural zones and specified residential zones to ensure compatibility with adjacent land uses and to encourage the economic development of the local agricultural industry by allowing for the direct sales and marketing of value added product.
RECOMMENDED ACTION: Planning Commission recommending the Board take the following action: 1. Adopt the mitigated negative declaration based on the initial study prepared by staff; and 2. Approve Z03-0005, the draft ordinance that consists of the September 8, 2008 Winery Ordinance with the mitigation measures and proposed amendments, based on findings in Attachment 1.
Background: This application was originally heard on November 13, 2008, but due to a noticing issue with the local paper, no action could be taken. Public comment was received and the item was continued for action on December 11, 2008. This application was considered by the Planning Commission on December 11, 2008, and was unanimously (3-0) recommended for approval.
Various members of the public spoke in support of the proposed ordinance indicating that this was more restrictive than the current ordiance, was considered a good blueprint, and allows a rural atmosphere.
Paul Bush, representing the El Dorado Winery Association, stated that to have the Association unanimously support this proposed ordinance was a significant accomplishment.
John Smith stated that the Fair Play Winery Association had also unanimously approved of the proposed ordinance.
Some concerns that were identified by speakers were as follows: (1) CEQA report is inadequate as it does not mitigate traffic impacts; (2) Mitigation Measure 4-1 be removed; (3) Small, rural parcels are affected; (4) Setbacks; (5) "Allowed by right" should not be used; (6) Off-site signs; (7) Environmental impacts not addressed; and (8) Economic analysis needed.
Contact: Roger P. Trout (5369)