Health and Human Services Agency, Public Health Division, recommending the Board consider the following:
1) Accept an allocation in the amount of $100,000 from the Department of Health Care Services for Medi-Cal Outreach and Enrollment activities; and
2) Authorize the Chair to sign the associated Allocation Agreement in the amount of $100,000 for the term March 12, 2014 through December 31, 2016; and
3) Authorize the Chair to sign a budget transfer to increase Health Promotions Community Based Services Promotions Support revenue and appropriations by $100,000 (4/5 vote required); and
4) Approve and Authorize the Director of the Health and Human Services Agency, or designee, to sign any required fiscal and programmatic reports and to perform any and all administrative responsibilities in relationship to said funding.
FUNDING: Medi-Cal Outreach and Enrollment Grant (State/Federal).
Total Estimated Cost
$100,000 |
Budget - Current FY
$18,880 |
Budget - Future FY
$81,120 |
Total Funding Available
$100,000 |
Change To Net County Cost
$0 |
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost
There is no change to net County cost.
The purpose of this grant is to provide Medi-Cal Outreach and Enrollment services and activities pursuant to Assembly Bill 82, Section 71, that focus on serving targeted populations such as persons who are:
1) Persons with mental health disorder needs
2) Persons with substance use disorder needs
3) Persons who are homeless
4) Young men of color
5) Persons who are in county jail, state prison, on state parole, on county probation, or under post release community supervision
6) Families of mixed-immigration status
7) Persons with limited English proficiency
The Health & Human Services Agency is in the process of partnering with the El Dorado County Community Health Center (EDCCHC) who will receive the majority of this funding in order to carry out the work plan activities. EDCCHC is a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) that is well versed in providing primary healthcare services to a large amount of Medi-Cal recipients, and has the infrastructure in place to build on existing Medi-Cal O&E services and further enhance outreach to the target population countywide.
Activities in the work plan include, but are not limited to, outreach to specific industries that regularly employ the targeted population, collaborations with local community partners such as the Sheriff's Department, retention activities such as automated calls, etc.
The following tasks have been carried out thus far in regard to this grant:
1) a letter of intent was submitted to Department of Health Care Services (DHCS);
2) a draft Medi-Cal Outreach and Enrollment (O&E) grant budget has been submitted to DHCS;
3) a draft O&E grant work plan has been submitted to DHCS;
4) a draft Corrective Action Plan (CAP) has been submitted to DHCS to address the letter of intent originally submitted; &
5) a request to waive the competitive bid process has been approved by the County Purchasing Agent.
Reason for Recommendation
In accepting this funding the Health and Human Services Agency will be able to provide necessary outreach services to the underserved populations targeted by this grant. The expected result is to link these individuals to Medi-Cal benefits to provide them with access to necessary health care and services. Should the County not accept these funds, many individuals who may be reached through these activities would continue to live in the community without benefits or access to necessary health care and services.
Clerk of the Board Follow Up Actions
Provide the Health and Human Services Agency, at Briw Road, with one (1) Certified Minute Order.
Don Ashton, M.P.A., Director
County Counsel