Department of Transportation recommending the Board take the following actions related to the Green Valley Road at Weber Creek - Bridge Replacement Project, CIP No. 77114:
1) Adopt the California Environmental Quality Act Mitigated Negative Declaration; and
2) Approve the Project as described in the California Environmental Quality Act Mitigated Negative Declaration. (Est. Time: 15 Min.)
FUNDING: The Project is included in the Adopted 2010 Capital Improvement Program and is 88.53% funded through the Highway Bridge Program. The County's local match funds of 11.47% are available through a combination of Regional Surface Transportation Program dollars and local Traffic Impact Mitigation Fees.
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost:
Adoption of this Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) and approval of the Green Valley Road at Weber Creek - Bridge Replacement Project (Project) will not result in any fiscal impact.
These recommended Board actions are based on the following findings:
A) The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) document on file with the Clerk of the Board and on the Department of Transportation's (Department) website at http://www.edcgov.us/Government/DOT/CEQA.aspx was prepared pursuant to Public Resources Code §21000 et seq. and the State CEQA Guidelines.
B) There is no substantial evidence that the Project, as mitigated, will have a significant effect on the environment.
C) The MND for the Project reflects the lead agency's independent judgment and analysis.
Green Valley Road is one of three east-west arterials in the West Slope area of El Dorado County, extending from the western County line to Placerville. The Green Valley Road at Weber Creek Bridge (Bridge) was constructed in 1926 and is a 20-foot wide, two-lane, concrete "T" beam structure that has been identified by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) as structurally deficient (sufficiency rating of 22.5). Additionally, the Bridge does not meet current standards of roadway width and must be replaced because it cannot be rehabilitated.
The Project site is severely constrained due to the steep, wide ravine and the 90-degree turn at the south Bridge approach resulting in traffic and safety concerns. This Bridge is one of only three crossings over Weber Creek in the area and provides an alternative route to U.S. Highway 50 and the Missouri Flat Interchange.
Project Location:
The Project is located on Green Valley Road, approximately 0.6 miles west of Placerville. The western edge of the approximately 7.68-acre Project area is located along Green Valley Road approximately 0.2 miles east of the intersection with El Dorado Road. The eastern edge of the Project area is located along Green Valley Road approximately 0.06 miles east of the intersection with Oak Knoll Road.
Project Purpose and Objectives:
The purpose of the Project is to replace the structurally deficient Bridge with a new bridge that is designed in accordance with current standards. The objectives of the Project are to improve driver safety in the Project area and provide passage of 100-year flood events without overtopping.
Project Description:
The proposed Project will be located to the west of the existing Bridge. The new bridge will be longer than the existing Bridge in order to place the abutments outside the main creek bed. The new bridge deck will be approximately 11 feet higher than the existing Bridge deck for the design speed vertical curve and it will also provide the adequate clearance to pass forecasted 100-year storm flows under the bridge without overtopping.
The existing sharp, short radius horizontal curve will be replaced with a larger radius curve, improved vertical alignment, wider lanes and shoulders and retaining walls. A design speed of 25-mph was selected for this curve based upon the Green Valley Road alignment and road classification. The 25-mph design allows the existing Bridge to remain in service during construction. The Project would generally involve: site clearing, preparation, and earthwork; utility relocations; demolition and removal of the existing Bridge structure; construction of new bridge foundations, abutments, retaining structures, deck, and guardrails; restoration of existing driveways; installation of culverts and drainage facilities; and revegetation of disturbed areas.
A detailed Project description can be found in the MND available on the Department's website at http://www.edcgov.us/Government/DOT/CEQA.aspx or as Attachment D of this Legistar item. A hard copy can be obtained at the Department's office at 2850 Fairlane Court, Placerville.
Construction Schedule and Proposed Detour Plan:
The Project is anticipated to commence in 2013 and is expected to take two construction seasons to complete. Various construction operations may require temporary road closures or full closures for short-term durations over a period of six months. Two-way traffic will be maintained on the existing Bridge for the majority of construction on the new bridge, the eastern and western walls, and the western road. However, construction of the eastern road will require periodic road closures with a continuous single lane of controlled traffic for local access. Traffic control signs will be placed at Missouri Flat Road, Forni Road and Mallard Lane to detour traffic onto U.S. Highway 50. The County will prepare a traffic control plan in conjunction with the engineering plans to address coordination issues for residential access during road closures.
Mitigation Measures:
Mitigation measures are added to the Project to reduce potential impacts to a level of insignificance. The Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan can be found in the MND as Appendix A.
Errata Sheet:
Attachment A identifies minor text changes regarding the number of riparian trees anticipated to be removed. The July 2011 Draft MND identified the number of removed trees as a potentially significant impact which required mitigation. The final number of removed trees will be determined through the final design effort. The proposed mitigation measure remains the same.
The revisions to the number of removed trees do not result in new, avoidable significant effects requiring mitigation, nor would Project revisions fail to reduce potential effects to a less than significant level (since all impacts would remain less than significant). The revised text does not require recirculation in accordance with §15073.5(a) of the State CEQA Guidelines.
Public Notification:
The Notice of Intent to Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration was advertised in the Mountain Democrat, the entire document was posted on the Department's website, and hard copies were available at the Department's offices. Individual notices were also sent to those directly affected in the Project area and to relevant agencies. The review period began on July 22, 2011 and ended August 22, 2011.
Comments Received:
Five comment letters were received: two from local residents and the other three from state and federal agencies. These comments and responses to these comments are provided in Attachment B. No new mitigation measures were necessary as a result of these comments, as discussed in the Errata Sheet, Attachment A.
Reason for Recommendation:
The Department is the local lead agency and prepared the MND to consider the significance of potential Project impacts in accordance with the State CEQA Guidelines (14 CA Administrative Code, §14000 et seq.).
Certification of this MND for the Project would complete the CEQA portion of the environmental phase toward ultimate delivery of this Project. As a federally funded project, Caltrans is the designated agency for the Federal Highway Administration to administer the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Categorical Exclusion utilizing the required studies completed by the County. At this time, the NEPA portion of the environmental phase for this Project is not approved based on issues relative to the California Red-legged Frog. The Department will return to the Board upon NEPA clearance for authorization to commence acquisition of Right of Way.
Action to be taken by the Department following Board approval:
The Department will file a Notice of Determination with the office of the County Recorder/Clerk.
Robert S. Slater, P.E.
Assistant Director of Transportation
Concurrences: County Counsel