Health and Human Services Agency recommending the Board:
1) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Agreement for Services 4413 with Arts and Culture El Dorado, for the provision of the Mental Health Services Act/Prevention and Early Intervention, “Expressive Therapies” project, for the term upon execution through June 30, 2020, with a maximum contractual obligation of $100,000; and
2) Authorize the Purchasing Agent, or designee, to execute further documents relating to Agreement for Services 4413, including amendments which do not increase the maximum dollar amount or term of the Agreement, and contingent upon approval by County Counsel and Risk Management.
FUNDING: 100% State Funding: Mental Health Services Act.
California voters passed Proposition 63 (MHSA), in November 2004 and MHSA was enacted into law January 1, 2005. MHSA imposes a one percent (1%) tax on personal income above $1,000,000. The funds are distributed to the counties throughout the State and are intended to transform the mental health system into one that is focused on wellness, recovery, and resiliency.
Under MHSA, each county is required to develop a Three-Year Program and Expenditure Plan (Plan), followed by two subsequent years of Annual Updates to the original Plan. The purpose of the Annual Update is to review existing projects and to make deletions, modifications, or additions to the original Plan. Therefore, planning, implementing, and updating each Plan and Annual Update is an ongoing, annual process.
On June 20, 2017, the Board adopted and authorized implementation of the MHSA FY 2017-2018 through FY 2019-20 Three-Year Program and Expenditure Plan (File 17-0551, Item 33). On June 25, 2019, the Board adopted and authorized implementation of the MHSA FY 2019-20 Annual Update (File 19-0936, Item 44).
One component of the Plan is Prevention and Early Intervention; and one project of that component is “Expressive Therapies.” This project, identified in the MHSA FY 2019-20 Annual Update will use different expressive therapies as a therapeutic modality to help parents who are experiencing grief due to the separation of an adopted or foster child. Expressive therapies could include, but are not limited to, dance, art, journaling, and music. Unresolved grief due to the removal of an adopted or foster child can lead to negative mental health consequences. Therefore, in addition to an instructor familiar with various art forms, this project also will be complimented by a therapist or other mental health professionals who would be able to guide conversations or help individuals who unexpectedly are confronted with unresolved grief.
Should the Board decline to approve this recommendation, HHSA would not be in compliance with the approved MHSA FY 19/20 Annual Update, and the funds may go unspent.
1) 6/20/17, 17-0551, MHSA FY 2017-18 through 2019-20 Three Year Program and Expenditure Plan
2) 6/25/19, 19-0936, MHSA FY 2019-20 Annual Update
Approved by County Counsel, Human Resources, Procurement and Contracts, and Risk Management.
It is recommended that the Board approve this item.
There is no Net County Cost associated with this Agenda item. This Agreement for Services is funded by Mental Health Services Act funding. Sufficient appropriations were included in the fiscal year 2019-2020 budget, and will be included in future budgets for the term of the Agreement.
1) Clerk of the Board to obtain signature of Chair on two (2) original Agreement for Services 4413.
2) Clerk of the Board to return one (1) fully executed Agreements to HHSA Contracts Unit at 3057 Briw Road.
County Strategic Plan, Healthy Communities goal, Objective 4: “Achieve better outcomes for children, young adults, and families in the areas of mental illness and substance abuse prevention.”
Don Semon, Director