Health and Human Services Agency, Community Services Division, recommending the Board:
1) Approve a revised boilerplate Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Program Individual Training Account (ITA) Contract for training services provided by The Regents of the University of California; and
2) Authorize the Director or Chief Assistant Director of the Health and Human Services Agency, or successors, to sign on behalf of the County the revised ITA Contract, including any future amendments thereto, contingent upon County Counsel review and approval, with The Regents of the University of California to enable individual WIA eligible clients to participate in employment training activities provided through The Regents' UC Davis Extension.
FUNDING: 100% Federal Workforce Investment Act Funding.
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost: None. Federal Workforce Investment Act funds for job training and work experience activities are included in the Agency's FY 2012-13 Recommended Budget and will be budgeted in future fiscal years. This funding requires no County match.
Background: The WIA Program provides employment services to individuals who require assistance in obtaining education and occupational skills to increase self-sufficiency. The El Dorado County Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) WIA Program serves the county through its offices located in Placerville and South Lake Tahoe. There are many services available to assist individuals in obtaining their goals. Services are available through the Adult program to those who are low income, underemployed or unemployed. Dislocated Workers are individuals who have been laid off due to a plant closure or are unlikely to return to their current field due a downturn in their industry. The Youth program offers services to prepare young people for additional education, vocational training and/or employment. Vocational training is one service available to eligible participants and based on a set of criteria, case managers must determine the individuals most likely to benefit from vocational training. An overall assessment of individual needs, skills and goals is used to determine whether vocational training will increase the client's chances of success. The Individual Training Account (ITA) contract is used to fund vocational training for participants in the Adult and Dislocated Worker categories. Participants must select training vendors from an approved list maintained by the State Employment Development Department.
On June 30, 2009, the Board of Supervisors approved the use of five WIA program boilerplate agreements (including the Individual Training Account Contract) and authorized the Director or Assistant Director of Human Services, or successors, to sign on behalf of the County said agreements and associated documents with various governmental and community entities enabling individual eligible clients participating in the Agency's WIA program activities to gain training and/or paid work experience to improve their employability in the open job market.
Reason for Recommendation: The Regents of the University of California through its UC Davis (UCD) Extension has several WIA approved training programs listed with the California Employment Development Department. The UCD Extension is requesting changes to the WIA Program's boilerplate ITA Contract approved by the Board of Supervisors on June 30, 2009, in order to enroll HHSA WIA Program participants in their training programs. Changes to the ITA Contract include mutual indemnification and termination upon ten (10) day written notice by either party. HHSA is recommending Board approval for HHSA to use and sign the revised boilerplate ITA Contract for training provided by The Regents of the University of California through its UC Davis Extension to help eligible clients achieve and retain permanent employment. HHSA will continue to use the boilerplate ITA Contract previously approved by the Board of Supervisor on June 30, 2009, for all other training providers.
Action to be taken following Board approval:
Health and Human Services Agency, WIA Program, to have the Director or Chief Assistant Director sign the referenced ITA Contract for provision of training services provided by The Regents' UCD Extension.
Daniel Nielson, 642-7275
County Counsel and Risk Management