File #: 24-1607    Version: 1
Type: Agenda Item Status: Approved
File created: 9/6/2024 In control: Board of Supervisors
On agenda: 12/10/2024 Final action: 12/10/2024
Title: Health and Human Services Agency and Facilities, a division of the Chief Administrative Office, recommending the Board consider the following: 1) Authorize the Purchasing Agent to sign Facility Use Agreement (FUA) 9116 with the Volunteers of America Northern California and Northern Nevada, Inc., a non-profit religious organization, to allow for the use of the facility located at 299 Fair Lane, Placerville, California 95667 for the purpose of operating a temporary Navigation Center from January 9, 2025, through September 27, 2027; 2) Make findings pursuant to Government Code 25526.6 that issuance of this FUA is in the public interest; and 3) Authorize the Purchasing Agent to execute any necessary amendments relating to FUA 9116, excluding term extensions, contingent upon approval by County Counsel and Risk Management. FUNDING: N/A
Attachments: 1. A - Agmt 9116 CoCo Approval, 2. B - Agmt 9116 Partially Executed
Related files: 24-0921, 22-2300, 22-0630, 22-1693


Health and Human Services Agency and Facilities, a division of the Chief Administrative Office, recommending the Board consider the following:

1) Authorize the Purchasing Agent to sign Facility Use Agreement (FUA) 9116 with the Volunteers of America Northern California and Northern Nevada, Inc., a non-profit religious organization, to allow for the use of the facility located at 299 Fair Lane, Placerville, California 95667 for the purpose of operating a temporary Navigation Center from January 9, 2025, through September 27, 2027;

2) Make findings pursuant to Government Code 25526.6 that issuance of this FUA is in the public interest; and

3) Authorize the Purchasing Agent to execute any necessary amendments relating to FUA 9116, excluding term extensions, contingent upon approval by County Counsel and Risk Management.





On April 19, 2022, the Board adopted resolution 061-2022 declaring a shelter crisis in the County.  On September 20, 2022, the Board decided to utilize the dormant juvenile hall located at 299 Fair Lane as a temporary Navigation Center until a permanent one can be constructed.


The Board authorized the Purchasing Agent to execute FUA 7132 with VOA for use of 299 Fair Lane on January 3, 2023.


On February 7, 2023, the temporary navigation center opened at this site. In the first year of operation, there were 258 successful referrals from Law Enforcement and the El Dorado County Opportunity Knocks Continuum of Care (EDOK CoC), resulting in 176 individuals being temporarily sheltered. All referrals were for persons who were experiencing homelessness in El Dorado County.


On September 24, 2024, the Board approved and authorized the Chair to sign a competitively bid Agreement for Services 8783 with VOA for Navigation Center Operations and Meal Services. Services include on-site and off-site assistance to reduce housing barriers and rehouse guests; on-site experienced case managers to develop housing plans and link guests with partner agencies; assistance with job searches; telephones for benefits application; all necessary linen and hygiene supplies; on-site laundry; distribution of three meals per day to current shelter guests and access to snacks daily; and enforcing written rules to ensure guest, staff, and community safety.  The initial term is for three-years from September 30, 2024, through September 30, 2027, with two one-year options to extend.


The County’s current Facilities Use Agreement with VOA expires on January 9, 2025. Agreement 9116 would extend their use of the site, allowing VOA to continue operations and provide vital services at this location. Upon completion of the permanent Navigation Center (expected in 2027), VOA’s use of 299 Fair Lane would terminate.


It is recommended the Board make findings pursuant to Government Code 25526.6 that issuance of this FUA is in the public interest in that the use of this space will provide support to the local unhoused community.



A Facility Use Agreement is required for the operation of a temporary Navigation Center.  The Board could decline but this would halt operations while a new temporary facility is identified.



September 20, 2022, Legistar 22-1693:  Direct staff to implement a temporary Navigation Center at 299 Fair Lane as quickly as possible after December 15, 2022.


April 19, 2022, Item 42, Legistar 22-0630: Adoption of Resolution 061-2022, Shelter crisis declaration.


January 2, 2023, Item 6, Legistar 22-2300: Authorize Purchasing Agent to sign FUA 7132 with VOA to allow for the use of the facility located at 299 Fair Lane for the purpose of operating a temporary Navigation Center.


September 24, 2024, Item 18, Legistar 24-0921: Approve and authorize the Chair to sign competitively bid Agreement for Services 8783 with VOA, in the amount of $5,323,544 for an initial three-year term from September 30, 2024, through September 30, 2027, for Navigation Center Operations and Meal Services.



County Counsel

Procurement & Contracts



Approve as recommended.



There is no financial impact associated with this item.  Pursuant to Section 5.10.060 of the El Dorado County Code of Ordinances, charitable nonprofit organization exemption, there is no fee associated with the recommended use of the facility.






Safe and Healthy Communities

Priority: Develop a continuum of support and housing opportunities for unhoused individuals

Action Item: Continue Engagement with County departments, the homeless community, and countywide partners to develop effective strategies including, for example, transitional housing



Olivia Byron-Cooper, MPH, Director, Health and Human Services Agency

Chuck Harrell, Facilities Division Manager