Chief Administrative Office, Procurement and Contracts Division, recommending award of Bid 07-204-051 for the purchase, installation and one year of software maintenance for one (1) IBM System z9 Business Class Server; declare as surplus one IBM 7060-H30 server, serial number 71019; and authorize purchase order in the amount of $245,304, including sales tax, and trade-in allowance in the amount of $15,225 to Jeskell, Inc. of Sunnyvale, CA for the Information Technology Department.
FUNDING: General Fund.
REASON FOR RECOMMENDATION: At the request of Information Technologies, Procurement & Contracts Division issued an Invitation to Bid for the purchase and installation of one (1) brand specific IBM System z9 Business Class Server, Model F01 (2096-R07), with specific feature codes, two (2) Optica Technologies channel converters, plus software license and one year of software maintenance for zVM, an IBM program product.
The System z9 Business Class Server will replace the existing IBM 7060 H30 Enterprise Server. In March of 2007, the software platform will no longer be supported by the vendor and the server will become obsolete.
The z9 is used to process mission-critical County data used in mainframe applications including: Property Tax Administration, FAMIS/BPREP/ADPICS, HR/Payroll, Land Management, Time Sharing Option (TSO), used by IT and throughout the County, and the Recorder's historical records and images.
IBM's zVM software will be used to support multiple instances of virtual Linux servers on the z9, which will help reduce the total cost of ownership of the County's computing environment by eliminating redundant stand-alone servers.
The Invitation to Bid was issued for new equipment, along with a trade-in allowance for and the removal of the existing IBM 7060 H-30, at no cost to the County. The low qualified bidder, Jeskell, Inc., met all of the bid requirements, and bid value-added services in excess of the minimum requirements.
One hundred and ninety-one (191) Invitations to Bid were mailed, twelve (14) to local vendors; two (2) qualified responses were received, none from local vendors . Attached is a spreadsheet for your review.
FISCAL IMPACT/CHANGE TO NET COUNTY COST: Procurement and Contracts has been advised that funding is available within the Information Technolgies' services and supplies budget.
ACTION TO BE TAKEN FOLLOWING APPROVAL: Following Board approval, the Procurement and Contracts Division will issue a purchase order to Jeskell, Inc. of Sunnyvale, CA in the amount of $245,304.00.
CONTACT: Bonnie H. Rich, Purchasing Agent, x5940