Public Health Department recommending the Chairman be authorized to sign Agreement 546-PHD0906 with Dade Behring, Inc. for a term to expire October 31, 2009 for laboratory reagents, equipment, maintenance, and technical support for the Public Health Laboratory.
FUNDING: Fee for testing services
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost: Fee for services will be collected from other departments, such as Probation, HHS, Sheriff, who request urine testing services.
Background: Several County departments have a need for "drugs of abuse" urine testing services. In the past, the Public Health Lab has been unable to provide these services to County departments forcing them to use outside vendors, which often resulted in lengthy delays in results processing. However, recent personnel changes in the Public Health Lab have now enabled the Lab to offer these services locally with greater benefit to those County departments who require these services on a regular basis. Through this Agreement with Dade Behring, Inc., the Public Health Lab will establish the capacity to meet those needs.
Reason for Recommendation: Dade Behring has a long and successful history of providing drugs of abuse testing services, including providing equipment and supplies that are considered the gold standard in the field. Specifically, Dade Behring will provide the Public Health Lab with equipment, supplies, maintenance, support services, and training that will allow the Lab to perform urine testing services at a higher level of quality than found elsewhere. And because of their strong reputation in the drug testing community (i.e., Drug Courts, Probation Departments, etc.), those County departments (mentioned above) will feel confident in the quality of services the Public Health Lab provides.
Action to be taken following Board approval: Chairman to sign three (3) copies of attached agreement; Board Clerk's Office to forward two (2) copies to Department; Department to distribute as appropriate.
Contact: Dan Buffalo