File #: 24-1831    Version: 1
Type: Agenda Item Status: Approved
File created: 10/10/2024 In control: Board of Supervisors
On agenda: 12/10/2024 Final action: 12/10/2024
Title: Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) recommending the Board: 1) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign the California Department of Veterans Affairs “Annual Subvention Certificate of Compliance” and “Annual Medi-Cal Cost Avoidance Program Certificate of Compliance” forms, which appoints and authorizes the County’s Veterans Services Officer (CVSO) to participate in these programs, and delegates authority to the CVSO, and their Veteran Services Program designees, to sign CalVet semi-annual reports, administrative documents, and fee waivers that are required to receive reimbursement funding from these programs for Fiscal Year 2024-25; 2) Authorize the CVSO to actively participate in the promotion of the California Veterans License Plate program authorized under California Military and Veterans Code (CMVC) Section 972.1; 3) Authorize the use of special interest license plate fees, in accordance with CMVC Section 972.2, which are deposited in a special revenue fund for a 0.5 full time ...
Attachments: 1. A - Counsel Approval of Certificates of Compliance, 2. B - Annual Subvention Certificate of Compliance FY 24-25, 3. C - Annual Medi-Cal Cost Avoidance Certificate of Compliance FY 24-25, 4. D - Counsel Approval of Resolution, 5. E - Resolution, 6. Executed Resolution 221-2024, 7. Executed Annual Medi-Cal Cost Avoidance Certificate of Compliance 24-25, 8. Executed Annual SubventionCertificate of Compliance 24-25
Related files: 22-1876, 21-1450, 20-1438, 23-1735


Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) recommending the Board:

1) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign the California Department of Veterans Affairs “Annual Subvention Certificate of Compliance” and “Annual Medi-Cal Cost Avoidance Program Certificate of Compliance” forms, which appoints and authorizes the County’s Veterans Services Officer (CVSO) to participate in these programs, and delegates authority to the CVSO, and their Veteran Services Program designees, to sign CalVet semi-annual reports, administrative documents, and fee waivers that are required to receive reimbursement funding from these programs for Fiscal Year 2024-25;

2) Authorize the CVSO to actively participate in the promotion of the California Veterans License Plate program authorized under California Military and Veterans Code (CMVC) Section 972.1;

3) Authorize the use of special interest license plate fees, in accordance with CMVC Section 972.2, which are deposited in a special revenue fund for a 0.5 full time equivalent Office Assistant I/II in the Veterans Services Program; and

4) Adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 221-2024 to delegate authority to the HHSA Director, or Chief Assistant Director, on behalf of the County, to sign the Annual Subvention Certificate of Compliance and the Annual Medical Cost Avoidance Certificate of Compliance forms issued in subsequent years, contingent upon approval by the Veterans Services Program Manager and County Counsel.


FUNDING:   9.5% State subvention funding, 0.2% Federal Medi-Cal matching funds, 3.7% Special Revenue Funds, 3.7% Discretionary Transient Occupancy Tax Funds, 1.6% Mental Health Services Act Funds, and 81.3% County General Fund.



A CVSO is a Veteran and a county employee whose duty is to assist the veteran community in applying for and maintaining available benefits and entitlements for which they may be eligible. All counties that appoint a CVSO, according to the provisions of the CMVC, are eligible to apply for state funding administered by CalVet.


The CalVet County Subvention Programs is a group of State-funded programs for reimbursement of expenses incurred in the operation of the Veteran Services Program, mandated to reimburse counties for a portion of the costs of "presenting and pursuing any claim the veteran or the qualified former member may have against the United States and in establishing the veteran's or qualified former member’s right to any privilege, preference, care, or compensation provided for by the laws of the United States or of this state," per CMVC Section 971.


Since 1993, the Board has appointed a CVSO in the County and authorized the Veteran Services Program participation in these CalVet programs, in compliance with California Code of Regulations, Title 12, Subchapter 4. Through participation in the CalVet Subvention Program, Medi-Cal Cost Avoidance Program, and Board appointment and maintenance of a CVSO, County receives revenue each fiscal year as follows:

1) State General Fund: State subvention funding is distributed, on a pro rata basis, to counties that establish and maintain a CVSO in accordance with CMVC Section 972.1. The Fiscal Year (FY) 2024-25 estimated revenue amount for the County is $90,000.

2) Medi-Cal Cost Avoidance: CalVet obtains federal matching funds to contribute, on a pro rata basis, to counties. These funds are used to cover the salaries and expenses of the CVSO for Medi-Cal related activities in adherence with CMVC Section 972.5. The FY 2024-25 estimated amount for the County is $2,200.

3) Veterans Service Office Fund: Under CMVC Section 972.2, the County receives revenue from special interest veteran license plate fees. These fees are deposited in a special revenue fund (SRF). The FY 2024-25 estimated amount for the County is $35,346.


HHSA recommends the Board approve of this item and authorize the Chair to sign the corresponding forms (“Annual Subvention Certificate of Compliance” and “Annual Medi-Cal Cost Avoidance Certificate of Compliance”) to ensure that State of California statutory requirements related to the CVSO program are met and to allow revenue estimated for a total of $127,546, to be reimbursable to HHSA Veteran Services Program for FY 2024-25. HHSA also recommends the Board adopt and authorize the attached Resolution to delegate authority to the HHSA Director, or Chief Assistant Director, to execute the Annual Subvention Certificates of Compliance and Annual Medi-Cal Cost Avoidance Certificate of Compliance for future fiscal years to ensure efficiency in processing of these time sensitive documents, thereby safeguarding the continuation of essential CVSO funding.



Should the Board decline to approve action items 1 and 2, the funding for the CVSO would be reduced by an estimated $92,200.


Should the Board decline to approve action item 3, the County would be unable to use the revenue estimated at $35,346, from special interest license plate fees. The revenue would remain in SRF until the funds are approved for use.


Should the Board decline to approve action item 4, HHSA will continue to bring these certifications to the Board on an annual basis and notify CalVet of any delays in processing time to allow the Board to review and Chair to sign these forms.



1) 12/15/2020, 20-1438, HHSA FY 2020/2021 Veterans Affairs Annual Participation in Subvention and Medi-Cal Cost Avoidance

2) 11/09/2021, 21-1450, HHSA FY 2021/2022 Veterans Affairs Annual Participation in Subvention and Medi-Cal Cost Avoidance

3) 11/15/2022, 22-1876, HHSA FY 2022/2023 HHSA/ VA Certificates of Compliance

4) 12/05/2023, 23-1735, HHSA FY 23/24 VA Certificates of Compliance



County Counsel



Approve as recommended.



In the FY 2024-25 Adopted Budget, the CVSO position is budgeted at $87,090. Participation in the County Subvention Program and the Medi-Cal Cost Avoidance Program ensures that County receives State subvention funding (the FY 2024-25 amount is estimated at $90,000) as well as Federal Medi-Cal matching funds (the FY 2024-25 amount is estimated at $2,200) to help pay for this position and related expenses.


In addition, by allowing the CVSO to participate in the promotion of the California Veteran License Plate program, the license plate revenue (the FY 2024-25 amount is estimated at $35,346) that is deposited into the Veterans SRF will be used for the 0.5 FTE Office Assistant position.


In the event these funds are not received, there would be an increase to General Fund in the amount of $92,200.



1) Obtain signature of Chair on one (1) original CalVet Annual Subvention Program Certificate of Compliance;

2) Obtain signature of Chair on one (1) original CalVet Medi-Cal Cost Avoidance Program Certificate of Compliance; and

3) Obtain signature of Chair on the Resolution.






Olivia Byron-Cooper, MPH, Director, Health and Human Services Agency