Clerk of the Board of Supervisors recommending the Board consider recommendations regarding Policies for Departmental Budget and Expense Reimbursement, as follows:
1) Delete Policy D-3 - Board of Supervisors Travel Expenses in its entirety;
2) Delete Section 3D of Policy D-1 - Travel; and
3) Adopt Policy D-5 - Board of Supervisors Departmental Budget and Expense Reimbursement (Refer to File 09-0152, Cont'd 6/8/09, Item 2) (Est. Time: 20 Min)
Board of Supervisors Expenditures Policies
On June 8, 2009 the Board took the following actions:
1) Direct Clerk of the Board to work with the appropriate staff with ideas for policy changes to include the following:
i) Any reimbursements beyond salaries and benefits to be placed on the Board agenda monthly;
ii) No use of County credit cards by Board of Supervisors;
iii) Cell phones for Board of Supervisors only;
iv) No per diem flat rates apply to the Board of Supervisors; and
v) Board of Supervisors should be reimbursed for standard policy rates for meals only.
The following policies were reviewed:
D-1 Travel Policy (Revised May 25, 1999)
D-2 County Credit Cards (Revised March 25, 2003)
D-3 Board of Supervisors Travel Expenses (Revised December 22, 1987)
D-4 Vehicle Use - Privately Owned & County Owned Vehicles (Revised June 20, 2006)
A-20 Cellular Telephone/Wireless PDA's (SmartPhones) Policy & Procedures (New 03-25-2008)
After reviewing the policies it was determined that the only policies that make specific reference to the Board of Supervisors are Policy D-3 and sections of Policy D-1. Since Policy D-3 has no other substantial policy information, it has been determined that Policy D-3 should be deleted in its entirety. Section 3 D of Policy D-1 should also be deleted.
To address the policy issues above, Policy D-5 has been drafted. The Policy codifies the practice adopted this fiscal year of splitting the departmental budget into individual district budgets in addition to a budget for the Clerk of the Board operations. In addition, some guidelines are provided for the types of expenses that may be included in the budget. The policy also requires quarterly reporting of all expenditures at a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors increasing transparency to the public.
It is the intent that where there are conflicts, this policy will take precedence over other County policies regarding budgets, travel, cell phones, and fleet vehicle use. It should be noted that this policy includes a requirement for Board approval of budget transfers which increase the overall budget of any district. This is more stringent than Policy B-1-Budgetary Control and Responsibility. The Policy also specifically excludes Board members from eligibility for reimbursement for meals during in-County travel. This conflicts with Policy D-1 - Travel, which still allows such reimbursement for other County employees.
The proposed policy specifies that Board members may be reimbursed for business expenses, including personal cell phone use, travel, and mileage, but excludes such reimbursement for Supervisors' Assistants.
The proposed policy includes guidelines for approval of expenditures of Board of Supervisors' special department expense budget line items. The intent is to allow for individual Board members to identify projects, services, or other expenditures that benefit the public and support the Board of Supervisors Vision and Mission statements, and provide a process for approval of such expenses by the full Board.
The budget for the Clerk of the Board is to be set at the discretion of the full Board annually. The policy provides for inclusion of travel and registration expenses for the Board appointed representatives and alternates to the annual conferences for the Regional Council of Rural Counties (RCRC) and California State Association of Counties (CSAC). These expenses are in the Clerk's budget rather than in an individual district because at the time the budget is developed, the representatives may not have been appointed by the Board. In addition, the attendance of the specified Board members at these conferences benefits the entire County. It is therefore not necessarily appropriate for individual districts to bear the costs.