Department of Transportation recommending the Board adopt a Corridor Segment Plan for the portion of the Sacramento Placerville Transportation (SPTC) Corridor from Missouri Flat Road to Mother Lode Drive and accept the public input process utilizing a Working Group of stakeholders set-up through the Parks and Recreation Commission as the appropriate forum for future Corridor segments. (Cont'd 9/28/10, Item 30)
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost:
There is no net cost to the County General Fund associated with this agenda item.
On June 29, 2010, a Resolution was introduced to your Board regarding the County Museum's development and operation of the El Dorado Western Railroad as a living history program within the SPTC Corridor between Missouri Flat Road and Mother Lode Drive. Due to a lack of public input prior to the Board meeting, the Resolution was not passed. DOT Facilities staff was directed to publicly vet the Resolution through the Trails Advisory Committee and the Parks and Recreation Commission. DOT staff was then to bring back to the Board the outcome of that process.
The Resolution was discussed during a Trails Advisory Committee meeting and then brought to the Parks and Recreation Commission meeting. During the Commission meeting two issues became apparent: (1) the various stakeholder groups had significantly different missions, and (2) the language considered for the Resolution in an attempt to garner consensus would make the Resolution unmanageable. Therefore, the Commission directed DOT Facilities staff to create a working group of the stakeholders for this corridor segment, hold meetings to work through the differences, and develop a work product that could be accepted by the Board of Supervisors. The SPTC Corridor Segment Plan attached to this item is the final outcome.
Reason for Recommendation:
The Corridor Segment Plan is the consensus document for the development of facilities along the corridor in this reach. Each of the user groups was involved and helped develop the Plan. The Parks and Recreation Commission has also approved the Plan. While working through the input process and developing the documentation, it was apparent that a resolution of the Board would not be necessary to accomplish the goals of the community. The County Departments already have the authority to accomplish the Plan's goals, and further binding language that could come from a resolution would not improve this effort. Approving the Plan provides County staff, as well as user group volunteers, direction to move forward to develop the facilities along the Corridor that will be signifcant enhancments for this County. A community effort with volunteers from the trails groups, the rails groups, and the others, such as the equestrian groups and wheel chair advocates, plan to work together to bring to fruition the Historic Railroad Park, as well as class 1 and nature trails. This segment of the Corridor will be an example of what can be accomplished for mixed use of the facility and multiple benefits for the residents of the County.
With each segment of the Corridor different stakeholders will have an interest. Therefore, in order to involve the public in a meanful and productive manner, and to provide the Board with comprehensive plans that have user consensus, the DOT is recommending that a similar process is used as work progresses to each reach of the corridor. By working through the existing Trails Advisory Committee and Parks and Recreation Commission, and creating working groups for the various segments, DOT will be able to help build consensus between groups that might be at odds, guage public interest in various enhancements, and have a standing public input process that is known to elevate grant opportunities.
Action to be taken following Board approval:
1) DOT Facilities and County Museums will utilize the Plan to move projects forward and develop further grant funding for this segment of the SPTC Corridor.
2) DOT Facilities will utilize similar public input process for each segment of the SPTC Corridor as development of the segment approaches. The Trails Advisory Committee and Parks and Recreation Commission will be involved, and a working group of stakeholders for the particular segments will be created.
Contact: James W. Ware, P.E.
Director of Transportation