Hearing to consider an appeal on the approval of Variance V08-0005 to allow a reduction in front yard setback from 30 feet to four feet from the edge of a 50-foot wide easement (High Hill Road) for an existing 6,180 square foot packing shed and sales structure on property consisting of 31.11 acres (APN 048-160-23) in the Camino area; Appellant: Ren Reinders. (District III)
Planning Services recommends the Board of Supervisors take the following actions: (1) Deny the appeal and uphold the approval of the variance by the Zoning Administrator; (2) Require the building to be removed or reduced in size in order to comply with the variance allowing a four-foot setback from the edge of the road easement; and (3) Direct the applicant to relocate the easement.
Background: Variance V08-0005 was conditionally approved by the El Dorado County Zoning Administrator on August 6, 2008
Specific reasons for appeal:
1. The packing shed and sales structure is built on a deeded easement and is not four feet from the edge of the 50-foot wide easement.
Response: The variance was approved by the Zoning Administrator based on the site plan submitted by the applicant's agent, Jerry Visman. It permits the existing structure to remain within four feet from the edge of the road easement. However, the appellant submitted a surveyed map (Exhibit A) on August 15 which indicates that the existing structure is 12 to 13 feet within the easement. As such, a building permit may not be issued for the structure whether the variance appeal is approved or denied because the granting of the requested variance does not allow the structure to be located within the road easement. The structure would need to removed or reduced in size in order to comply with the variance permitting a four-foot setback from the edge of the road easement prior to building permit issuance. The applicant would also need to relocate the 50-foot wide non-exclusive road and public utilities easement.
Contact: Lawrence W. Appel (7698) / Pierre Rivas (5841)