Department of Transportation, Maintenance and Operations Division, recommending the Board approve and confirm appointments of existing and new advisory committee members to fill vacancies on Zone of Benefit Advisory Committees in County Service Areas 2 and 9 as outlined in Exhibit A, 2025 Zone of Benefit Advisory Committee Roster.
FUNDING: County Service Area 2 and 9 Zone of Benefit Special Taxes and Assessments (100%).
On February 18, 1963, by Resolution 35-63, the Board formed County Service Area (CSA) 2 to provide road improvements and public road drainage improvements within its boundaries. Additional territory was annexed to CSA 2 on June 15, 1971, by Resolution 273-71.
On February 20, 1979, by Ordinance 1979, two (2) zones were established, Zone A (Arrowbee) and Zone B (Hidden Lake).
On April 7, 1983, by Resolution L-83-12, the El Dorado Local Agency Formation Commission formed CSA 9. By Resolution 146-83, the Board authorized multiple services to be provided, including road improvement and maintenance services, drainage maintenance services, and public cemetery services. Beginning in 1983 and continuing thereafter, multiple zones of benefit were formed to provide funding for specific services. For 31 of those zones of benefit, advisory committees were established by the Board.
On March 12, 1985, the Board adopted the Policy and Procedure Guidelines for Creation and Administration of Zones of Benefit within a County Service Area (Guidelines) to establish criteria for creating, operating, and maintaining zones of benefit, including providing for the appointment, term, and purpose of Zone Advisory Committees. The Guidelines provide that an advisory committee for each road zone may be appointed to serve at the pleasure of the Board. The purpose of the advisory committee is to meet periodically with property owners and residents within the zone of benefit to identify unmet service needs, evaluate the adequacy of the services provided, compile the annual budget for recommendation to the Board, and provide recommendations regarding other matters pertaining to the business of the zone of benefit. There are currently 32 advisory committees for zones of benefit within the County: two (2) in CSA No. 2 and thirty (30) in CSA No. 9.
During the annual Zone of Benefit Orientation hosted on October 23, 2024, by the Department of Transportation (Transportation), staff discussed the committee membership process during the presentation. In an effort to align the Zone of Benefit advisory committees with the other Board appointed committees, Transportation reached out to all key contact advisory committee members to request nominees for their committees.
The 2025 vacancies were posted on the Zone of Benefit website for maximum awareness of opportunities within the zones (https://www.eldoradocounty.ca.gov/Land-Use/Transportation/County-Service-Area-Zones-of-Benefit). The Zone of Benefit website includes the Guidelines and Advisory Committee Manual that cover the zone committee membership process and encourages participation. Property tax billings also provide Transportation’s main phone number so residents can inquire about the special tax or assessment on their bill. Transportation provides residents with additional information regarding the zones of benefit and directs residents to the website for more details.
Each advisory committee is required to meet at least four (4) times per year. One of the meetings is a general meeting of all property owners and residents. Since the inception of the zone of benefit program, the advisory committees have made recommendations regarding changes to the advisory committee membership based on a consensus of the property owners and residents in attendance at the general meeting.
Advisory committee participants are subject to the requirements for ethics training for local officials under Government Code Section 53235. All advisory committee meetings are subject to compliance with California’s Open Meeting Laws and County ordinance code related to public meetings.
Following the appointments, the Transportation Zone of Benefit Program staff orients appointees regarding their roles and responsibilities, policies and regulations applicable to zone of benefit activities, provides access to the El Dorado County Zone of Benefit Advisory Committee Manual, and the Ethics Training for Local Officials.
The committee participants have been recommended to serve in these roles by Transportation and volunteer to serve in this capacity. The advisory committee participants play vital roles in the expenditure of special taxes or assessments for the delivery of public services in each zone, including road maintenance and improvements, drainage facility maintenance, street lighting, landscaping, and wetland related services. The participants also act as liaisons between zone residents, property owners, and the County.
The Board may choose not to make the recommended updates to the advisory committees, resulting in Transportation making changes and returning to the Board at a later date.
Legistar file 23-2014, 12/12/2023, 2024 Zone of Benefit Advisory Committee Appointments
Approve as recommended.
There are no impacts to Net County Costs or other County resources. The minimal cost of training and communicating with the advisory committee participants is budgeted for each zone through the allocation of direct program costs and paid from zone special taxes and assessments.
The Clerk of the Board will receive and file the roster of the 2025 zone of benefit advisory committee participants.
Strategic Focus Area
Priority: N/A
Action Item: N/A
Rafael Martinez, Director
Department of Transportation