Hearing to consider General Plan Amendment A07-0014/Rezone Z07-0045/Planned Development PD07-0031/Tentative Subdivision Map TM07-1459/Red Robin Subdivision submitted by Just Two Guys, Inc. (Agent: Matt Rodgers) for a General Plan amendment to include the subject site within the Pollock Pines Community Region planning concept area and to amend the land use designation from Low Density Residential (LDR) to Medium Density Residential (MDR); rezone from Single-family Two-Acre Residential (R2A) to Single-family Two-Acre Residential-Planned Development (R2A-PD); development plan to allow clustering of lots and a reduction in the minimum parcel size of two acres in the R2A zone district; and phased tentative subdivision map to create 20 residential lots ranging in size from 0.58 to 2.94 acres and three lettered lots as open space (totaling 13.9 acres) with Phase I encompassing Lots 1 and 2, Phase II encompassing Lots 3-12, and Phase III encompassing Lots 13-20. The properties, identified by Assessor's Parcel Numbers 079-010-49 and 079-151-27, totaling 45 acres, are located on the west side of Sly Park Road at the intersection with Terbekah Way, in the Pollock Pines area, Supervisorial District II. (Mitigated negative declaration prepared)
RECOMMENDED ACTION: Planning Commission recommending the Board of Supervisors deny General Plan Amendment A07-0014 and Rezone Z07-0045, based on the finding in General Plan Policy that Low-Density Residential (LDR) is more consistent with the land use than Medium-Density Residential (MDR).
No action can be taken on Planned Development PD07-0031 and Tentative Subdivision Map TM07-1459 as these applications were not heard by the Planning Commission.
Background: Due to issues being raised by Environmental Management at the Planinng Commission hearing, staff recommended to move forward with the General Plan Amendment and Rezone applications, but to continue the Development Plan and Tentative Subdivision Map portions of the project. The General Plan Amendment and Rezone applications were heard by the Planning Commission on August 28, 2008, and with a vote of 4-1 (Knight) was recommended for denial. The minutes from this meeting are attached.
The applicant requested postponements from the September 2008 and December 2008 General Plan windows. Copies of the requests are attached.
Contact: Roger P. Trout (5369)/Pierre Rivas (5841)