Community Development Agency, Long Range Planning Division, providing an information-only workshop on the Central El Dorado Hills Specific Plan project (Specific Plan SP12-0002/General Plan Amendment A14-0003/Rezone Z14-0005/Specific Plan Revision SP86-0002-R/Planned Development PD14-0004/Tentative Map TM14-1516/Development Agreement DA14-0003) to provide an overview of the proposed project and provide background on the function of specific plans and its components. No actions or recommendations from the Planning Commission are being requested at this time.
(Supervisorial District 1)
An information-only workshop on the Central El Dorado Hills Specific Plan project (Specific Plan SP12-0002/General Plan Amendment A14-0003/Rezone Z14-0005/Specific Plan Revision SP86-0002-R/Planned Development PD14-0004/Tentative Map TM14-1516/Development Agreement DA14-0003) to provide an overview of the proposed project and provide background on the function of specific plans and its components. No actions or recommendations from the Planning Commission are being requested at this time. Supervisorial District 1. (County Planner: Mel Pabalinas)
APPLICANT: Serrano Associates, LLC
PROJECT REQUEST: The Central El Dorado Hills Specific Plan (CEDHSP) would develop 341 acres consisting of the Serrano Westside planning area (239 acres) and Pedregal planning area (102 acres). The project consists of the following entitlements:
A) General Plan Amendment
B) El Dorado Hills Specific Plan (EDHSP) Amendment
C) Rezoning
D) Specific Plan Adoption
E) Planned Development Adoption
F) Large Lot Subdivision Map
G) Development Agreement
H) Public Facilities Financing Plan
LOCATION: The CEDHSP is adjacent to El Dorado Hills Boulevard north of State Route 50. The proposed Serrano Westside planning area is east of the El Dorado Hills Boulevard and Serrano Parkway intersection. The proposed Pedregal planning area is west of El Dorado Hills Boulevard between Wilson Boulevard and Olson Lane, adjacent to the Ridgeview subdivision. Supervisorial District 1.
ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBERS: 121-160-05; 120-040-20, -29, and -31; 121-050-01 and -05; 121-120-24 (portion); and 121-050-01 and -05
ACREAGE: 341 acres
A Staff Memo is attached.
Exhibit A: Location Map
Exhibit B: Assessor’s Parcel Map
Exhibit C: Aerial Photo of Central El Dorado Hills Specific Plan site and surrounding properties
Exhibit D: Existing Land Use Designations
Exhibit E: Existing Zone Designations
Exhibit F: Central El Dorado Hill Specific Plan (5th Draft of Specific Plan Text)
Exhibit G: Measure E Notice of Intent
Mel Pabalinas
Long Range Planning Division
Community Development Agency