Office of Wildfire Preparedness and Resilience, a division of the Chief Administrative Office, recommending the Board:
1) Authorize the Office of Wildfire Preparedness and Resilience (OWPR) Program Manager to execute any grant-related documents including, but not limited to, grant agreement amendments that do not increase Net County Cost, requests for payments, reports, and all other associated documents necessary to secure remaining grant funds and implement the approved project under the Bureau of Land Management Fuels Management and Community Fire Assistance Program;
2) Authorize the OWPR Program Manager to execute any grant-related documents including, but not limited to, grant agreement amendments that do not increase Net County Cost, requests for payments, reports, and all other associated documents necessary to secure remaining grant funds and implement the approved project under the California Fire Safe Council’s County Coordinator Grant Program; and
3) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign the Designation of Applicant’s Agent Resolution for Non-State Agencies authorizing the OWPR Program Manager or the Agency Chief Fiscal Officer in the Chief Administrative Office to execute any grant-related documents including, but not limited to, acceptance of the Phase II grant award on behalf of the Board, grant agreement amendments that do not increase the County’s funding match commitment, requests for payments, reports, and all other associated documents necessary to secure remaining grant funds and implement the approved Weber Creek Project under the California Wildfire Mitigation Program, Phases I and II.
FUNDING: General Fund and Various Grant Funding Sources.
On June 18, 2024 (Legistar file 24-1067), the Board accepted a grant award under the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Fuels Management and Community Fire Assistance Program to fund the El Dorado County Fire Adapted Communities Program. Under this $10 million/five-year grant, the Office of Wildfire Preparedness and Resilience (OWPR) will work with partner agencies and organizations to implement a comprehensive, year-round defensible space and home hardening inspection program to bolster existing efforts, provide funding to assist with defensible space clearing work, strategic fuels management projects, and community fire assistance program activities through a dedicated Fire Safe Coordinator to reduce the risk and impact of catastrophic wildfires to local communities. As funding is made available for the duration of the grant period, various documents required by BLM will require authorization, including requests for drawdown, amendments, extensions, and other required reports. To administer this grant program effectively and efficiently, OWPR is requesting that the Board delegate authority to execute any grant related documents to the Office of Wildfire Preparedness and Resilience Program Manager.
On May 21, 2024 (Legistar file 24-0869), the Board accepted a grant award in the amount of $114,781.51 under the California Fire Safe Council’s County Coordinator Program to fund the El Dorado County Fire Safe Coordinator Project with a term of April 15, 2024 to December 31, 2024. This grant program provides funding to assist the County with wildfire mitigation outreach and coordination to educate, encourage, and develop county-wide collaboration and coordination among various wildfire mitigation groups operating within the County. Though this grant program is scheduled to end on December 31, 2024, OWPR is requesting that the Board delegate authority to execute any grant related documents to the Office of Wildfire Preparedness and Resilience Program Manager necessary to complete the reporting and closeout process.
On August 29, 2023 (Legistar file 23-1568), the Board accepted a Phase I grant award in the amount of $1,404,532.50 under the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) for the Weber Creek Project with a term of June 28, 2023 to June 27, 2026. Under this $25 million pilot grant program, the County will manage this demonstration project focused on performing defensible space clearance work and home hardening retrofits for existing homes in a section of the Weber Creek drainage South of Highway 50 in Placerville, a high-risk area of the County. As part of the Board’s acceptance of the Phase I grant award, the Board also authorized the Chief Administrative Officer, serving as the County’s Authorized Agent, to accept the award of the remaining $23,462,517.50 Phase II grant funds to be authorized upon the completion of Phase I activities. Additionally, the Chief Administrator was authorized by the Board to execute any grant related documents for both Phase I and II that do not increase the County’s matching funds commitment necessary to secure grant funds and implement the project. As with the other two grants above, OWPR is requesting that the Board to authorize the Chair to sign the Designation of Applicant’s Agent Resolution (Attachment B) to update the County’s Authorized Agents to be the Office of Wildfire Preparedness and Resilience Program Manager or Agency Chief Fiscal Officer in the Chief Administrative Office. As updated, both Authorized Agents would be able to execute any grant related documents for Phases I and II previously delegated to the Chief Administrative Officer as well as anticipated amendments to the grant for term extensions necessary to secure the grant funds and implement the approved project.
The Board may choose not to approve delegating this authority as outlined above for each grant program and maintain the current delegation to the Chief Administrative Officer.
Legistar file 23-1568 - August 29, 2023 - Board accepted the FEMA HMGP grant for the Weber Creek Project
Legistar file 24-0869 - May 21, 2024 - Board accepted the California Fire Safe Council’s County Coordinator Program grant to fund the El Dorado County Fire Safe Coordinator Project
Legistar file 24-1067 - June 18, 2024 - Board accepted BLM Fuels Management and Community Fire Assistance Program grant award
County Counsel approved the Resolution for the California Wildfire Mitigation Program Weber Creek grant.
There is no change to Net County Cost associated with this item. Funding for each grant has been included in the Fiscal Year 2024-25 budget and the remaining grant revenue and expenditures will be included in future years’ budgets accordingly.
Provide a copy of the executed Resolution to Tom Meyer, Office of Wildfire Preparedness and Resilience
Tom Meyer, Program Manager
Office of Wildfire Preparedness and Resilience