Community Development Agency, Transportation Division, recommending the Board authorize the Chair to sign the Landscape Maintenance Agreement with the State of California Department of Transportation for the landscape maintenance of the bike paths placed within State Highway Right of Way along State Routes 49 and 193 for the Northside School Class I Bike Path - Phases 1 and 2 Projects, CIP No. 72304 (Phase 1, SR-193) and CIP No. 72306 (Phase 2, SR-49).
FUNDING: Road Fund.
Total Estimated Cost
$1,300 |
$1,300 |
New Funding
. |
Total Funding Available
$1,300 |
Change To Net County Cost
$0 |
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost
Funding for the construction phase of the Northside School Class I Bike Path Project (Project) will be provided by both State and Federal Safe Routes to School funds. The estimated annual costs for the County to maintain this Project is $1,300 per year and will be funded from the Transportation Division Road Fund.
On September 11, 2012, the Board approved Cooperative Agreement No. 03-0490 (Coop) and Funding Summary Number 1 (Agenda Item #23, Legistar #12-0981) with the State of California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) for the construction and maintenance of the Northside School Class I Bike Path - Phase 1 and 2 Projects (Project). Item 67 of the Coop requires the execution of a maintenance agreement between Caltrans and the County prior to the construction of the Project. Caltrans requested that the maintenance agreement refer to the improvements as landscaping although none of the items are plants. For this reason, this agreement is referred to as a Landscape Maintenance Agreement (Agreement).
The Project provides for an 8-foot wide Class I bike path on the west side of SR-49 from Northside School to SR-193 and an 8-foot wide Class I bike path along the north side of SR-193 from SR-49 to the American River Trail at the entrance of the Auburn Lake Trails subdivision for a total length of approximately 1.8 miles. Other features include: extending the SR-49 culvert at Knickerbocker Creek, crosswalks at the intersection of SR-49 and SR-193, and drainage culverts along portions of the bike path.
Reason for Recommendation
The Agreement addresses County responsibility for the bike paths placed within State Highway Right of Way on SR-49 and SR-193. Through this Agreement, County is agreeing to maintain the paved bike path, 3500 feet of simulated wood (concrete) fencing along portions of trail as shown on attached exhibit, and perform weed control to a State acceptable level.
Prior to construction, Caltrans will issue a double encroachment permit. The first half of this permit has been issued by Caltrans to the County. The second half will be issued to the future construction contractor. The second half of the permit is contingent upon the execution of the Agreement.
Action(s) to be taken following Board approval
1. The Chair will sign four (4) originals of the Agreement.
2. The Clerk of the Board will forward the four (4) originals of the partially executed Agreement to the Transportation Division to send to Caltrans for signature.
3. Upon receipt of the fully executed original Agreement from Caltrans, the Transportation Division will forward an original to the Clerk of the Board for its files.
Bard R. Lower, Director
Transportation Division
Community Development Agency
County Counsel