Human Resources Department recommending the Board approve the Final Passage (Second Reading) of Ordinance 5215 amending El Dorado County Ordinance Chapter 2.14 Appointed Officers and Department Heads, to designate the Public Health Officer as an appointed department head. (Cont/ 11/12/2024, Item 26)
FUNDING: Primarily General Fund with some positions being paid with State and Federal Funding.
On November 12, 2024, the Board heard Ordinance 5214 amending El Dorado County Ordinance Chapter 2.06 Board of Supervisors - Conduct of Business and Compensation, to increase the Board’s salary by three percent and voted to remove from the item.
On November 12, 2024, the Board heard Ordinance 5215 amending El Dorado County Ordinance Chapter 2.14 Appointed Officers and Department Heads, to designate the Public Health Officer as an appointed department head and Continued the matter to December 3, 2024 for Final Passage (Second Reading).
The County’s Elected and Appointed Department Heads and Administrative Management play an essential role in carrying out the policy directives of the Board of Supervisors. These employees hold key leadership positions in the County and are responsible for delivering the services that County residents and visitors rely on.
The County’s 2024 Strategic Plan identifies “Workforce Excellence” as a Strategic Focus Area and includes an action item to “attract and retain the best employees by providing competitive compensation, training, and advancement opportunities, and creating a positive and thriving culture.” This cannot be achieved without talented County leadership.
It is the long-term goal of the Board of Supervisors that total compensation, inclusive of special pays, differentials, and benefits, be approximately equal to the median of the total compensation of the County's compensation comparator agencies as established by resolution of the Board of Supervisors, subject to funding availability. Total compensation includes base salary, additional pays, health benefit and retirement contributions and are subject to change based on industry-wide best practices.
Revising the Salary and Benefits Resolution for Unrepresented Employees
To ensure the Board’s direction is enacted on an ongoing basis, Human Resources has prepared a revised Salary and Benefits Resolution for Unrepresented Employees to be approved by the Board. A summary of the changes are below:
1. Addition and modification of language specifying base salary linkages:
• Sheriff/Coroner/Public Administrator: Modification of existing language to provide clarity and consistency in salary alignment above the Undersheriff, regardless of the actual differentials attained by the incumbent Undersheriff to prevent potential downward salary adjustment of multiple salary-linked classifications.
• Surveyor and Recorder-Clerk: Addition of language to establish that the Surveyor and the Recorder-Clerk base salaries shall be set and maintained at ten percent below the base salary of the Assessor.
• Public Defender: Modification of existing language to provide clarity that the Public Defender shall receive base wage adjustments at the same time as any given to the District Attorney in equivalent percentage adjustments to maintain a minimum alignment threshold but may also receive base wage increases for compensation market comparability, or as otherwise provided for by the Board.
• Chief Administrative Officer and County Counsel: Modification of existing language to provide clarity that the Chief Administrative Officer and the County Counsel shall receive base wage adjustments at the same time as any given to the Sheriff/Coroner/Public Administrator in equivalent percentage adjustments to maintain a minimum alignment threshold but may also receive base wage increases for compensation market comparability, or as otherwise provided for by the Board.
• Chief Probation Officer: Addition of language to establish that the Chief Probation Officer shall receive base wage adjustments at the same time as any given to the Sheriff/Coroner/Public Administrator in equivalent percentage adjustments.
• Deputy County Counsel and Executive Assistant: Modification of existing language to provide clarity that the Deputy County Counsel and the Executive Assistant classifications shall be set and maintained so that they are each no less than their prescribed wage-linked classification counterparts (Deputy District Attorney IV and Administrative Technician, respectively), but may also receive base wage adjustments generally granted to Unrepresented Employees should such increases occur before those given to their wage-linked classification counterparts.
2. Removal of language prescribing a salary survey for Elected Department Heads (EL) no later than every four years in March of the year prior to the filing for election to office. Such studies may instead be conducted at the discretion of the Director of Human Resources in consultation with the Chief Administrative Office and/or the Board for purposes of achieving the Board of Supervisor’s Compensation Philosophy.
3. Modification of existing language pertaining to CalPERS Retirement Contribution for Elected (EL) and Appointed Department Heads (UD) to restore employer paid member contribution for classic miscellaneous and safety CalPERS members. Remove associated Salary of Internal Candidate on Promotion provision as moot.
4. Addition of language pertaining to Holidays and Leaves to clarify existing County-practice that an employee who newly enters an unrepresented unit eligible for Holidays and Leaves as a new hire or from a different classification or bargaining unit where they already received equivalent Holiday or Leave hours (e.g., Floating Holiday) that same calendar year are not newly credited such that they receive more than the maximum hours allowed per year.
5. Addition of up to sixteen hours of a new Personal Leave for Administrative Management (UM) and Confidential (CO) unit employees consistent with other bargaining units.
6. Addition of language to clarify when County holidays are observed for employees with a Nonstandard Work Schedule.
7. Addition of language clarifying existing Compensation for Holidays.
8. Modification of existing language to clarify eligibility for Payment for Unused Sick Leave.
9. Addition of language to clarify Jury Duty does not apply to Elected Department Heads (EL) or Extra Help (EH).
10. Modification of existing language to provide a minimum of two hours Court Appearance compensation for an FLSA non-exempt Confidential or Extra Help employee called as a witness during the employee’s off duty hours, arising out of and in the course of County employment, for County-wide consistency.
11. Modification of existing language pertaining to the compensation amount and frequency of Tahoe Employment Differential pay, for County-wide consistency.
12. Modification of existing language pertaining to Geographic differential extending eligibility an approximate twenty-five (25) mile range of residence from the primary Tahoe-based work location and clarifying the provision does not apply to Extra Help (EH).
13. Modification of existing On-Call language to 1) increase the compensation of District Attorney On-Call Pay per weekly assignment, and 2) compensate all eligible FLSA non-exempt Confidential (CO) and Extra Help (EH) employees three dollars ($3.00) per hour for assigned on-call duty.
14. Modification of existing Acting Status language to provide for a revised compensation method (Temporary Upgrade Pay Differential vs. change in salary step) as necessary for CalPERS reporting.
15. Modification of existing Shift Differential language to clarify hours of eligibility.
16. Modification of existing Bilingual Differential language to clarify maximum pay and eligibility criteria.
17. Modification of existing Retiree Health Contribution language to remove moot provisions.
18. Modification of existing Grievance Procedure and Appeal of Layoff language for extended timelines and parity with other bargaining units.
19. Modification of existing language pertaining to Closure of County Buildings for applicability of teleworking.
Additional “housekeeping” language changes are included in the recommended revisions, including formatting, reorganization of sections, and re-wording to eliminate inconsistency.
Revising the Unrepresented Salary Schedule and One-time Compensation
On September 17, 2024, with Legistar file 24-1556, the Board received a presentation on the Fiscal Year (FY) 2024-25 Adopted Budget. Despite a decrease in discretionary General Fund revenue growth, the FY 2024-25 Budget reflects a countywide effort to conserve General Fund costs where possible without significant impacts to services. The development of a structurally sustainable FY 2025-26 Budget has already begun in the Chief Administrative Office. Due to a slowing in discretionary revenue growth and anticipated increase in expenses, as discussed with the Board on September 17, 2024, it is anticipated that the FY 2025-26 Budget will require a more intensive budget process than prior years, in order to balance the General Fund.
However, even in this challenging resource environment, it is imperative that the County continue to invest in its workforce through a sustainable compensation philosophy and plan for the future. In a continued effort to recruit and retain qualified employees in a competitive compensation and labor market, Human Resources recommends the following:
1) Effective the first pay period following Board adoption, increase the base wages of Elected Department Heads (EL), Appointed Department Heads (UD), Administrative Management (UM), Confidential (CO), and Extra Help (EH) employees by three percent with the exception of the following classifications: Sheriff/Coroner/Public Administrator, Chief Administrative Officer, County Counsel, Undersheriff, District Attorney, Public Defender, Alternate Public Defender, Chief Probation Officer, and all classifications that include one or more allocated positions that are represented by a bargaining unit;
2) Effective the first pay period following Board adoption, pay a one thousand dollar ($1,000) lump sum payment to any Confidential (CO) employee whose position is in a classification that include one or more allocated positions that are represented by a bargaining unit, provided the employee has not otherwise received a lump sum payment associated with that recognized employee organization in the last twelve months in order to prevent duplication of pay; and
3) Authorize Administrative Management (UM) and Confidential (CO) employees to cash out as a one-time payment up to half of their unused Management or Special Leave, as applicable, for calendar year 2025 only.
Additional Compensation Recommendations
Assistant Director of Human Resources
The salary range of the Director of Human Resources is currently equal to that of the Director of Information Technologies. However, while the Step 1 base salary of Assistant Director of Information Technologies is approximately 18.7% below the Step 1 base salary of the Director of Information Technologies, the Assistant Director of Human Resources is approximately 25.1% below the Director of Human Resources. The Department of Human Resources is recommending the Step 1 base wage for the Assistant Director of Human Resources be set equal to the Assistant Director of Information Technologies for parity in salary alignment (see salary as specified in the Resolution).
Board of Supervisor
Per County Charter section 204, compensation for the Board of Supervisors (Board) shall be fixed by Ordinance. Members of the Board receive a monthly salary of $6,908.66 since February 12, 2022, per County Ordinance section 2.06.020.
As described above, Human Resources is recommending the Board approve and authorize the chair to sign a resolution effective the first pay period following adoption to revise the Salary Schedule, including the classification of Supervisor’s Assistant by a base salary increase of three percent.
The Supervisor’s Assistant classification reports directly to the Board. In order to mitigate compaction concerns between the Board and the Supervisor’s Assistant, the Department of Human Resources recommends maintaining alignment between the two classifications (Board and Supervisor’s Assistant) by increasing the Board’s salary by the three percent as well, to a new base monthly salary of $7,115.91.
The recommended Ordinance will amend Ordinance Code 2.06.020. Board of Supervisors Salary Provisions, as indicated on the redline version of the existing ordinance attached as Attachment J. Staff requests approval of the first reading today, and to continue this matter to December 3, 2024, for Final Passage (Second Reading).
Per California Government Code section 25123.5, any ordinance which changes supervisorial salaries shall become effective 60 days after its adoption. Therefore, the salary increases would be effective in the first full pay period that is at least 60 days after the second reading of the amended ordinance.
Other Recommendations
Public Health Officer Designation as Appointed Department Head
California government code HSC § 101000 mandates each Board of Supervisors shall appoint a health officer who is a county officer. As such, the County’s Public Health Officer is appointed by the Board. Per County Charter section 404, the position of department head shall be designated by ordinance. The Salary and Benefits Resolution for Unrepresented Employees Section 3. Definition of Terms subsection 302 defines Appointed Department Head: 1) those employees listed in the Salary Schedule as Department Head, union code UD, 2) positions of Undersheriff and Public Health Officer, and 3) the administrative head of a department that has been created by ordinance.
Currently, the County’s classification Public Health Officer meets all of the criteria as described in the Salary and Benefits Resolution for Unrepresented Employees other than the classification isn’t designated as an Appointed Department Head by County Ordinance. In order to rectify this discrepancy between County Ordinance, County Charter, and the Salary and Benefits Resolution for Unrepresented Employees, the Department of Human Resources is recommending a change to Ordinance Code Sec. 2.14.010 Designation of appointed department heads to incorporate the Public Health Officer classification.
The recommended Ordinance amends Ordinance Code 2.14.010. Designation of appointed department heads, as indicated on the redline version of the existing ordinance attached as Attachment G.
Staff requests approval of the first reading today, and to continue this matter to December 3, 2024, for Final Passage (Second Reading).
The Board could choose not to adopt the recommendations and direct staff to provide an alternative. The Board may choose to not approve the recommended Ordinance, amending Ordinance Code 2.06.020. Board of Supervisors Salary Provisions, as indicated on the redline version of the existing ordinance and provide staff with an alternate direction. The Board may choose to not approve the recommended Ordinance, amending Ordinance Code 2.14.010. Designation of Appointed Department Heads, as indicated on the redline version of the existing ordinance and provide staff with an alternate direction.
11/16/2021 Legistar file 21-1733: Ordinance Code 2.06.020. Board of Supervisors Salary Provisions was most recently adopted.
01/25/2022 Legistar file 22-0062: Salary and Benefits Resolution for Unrepresented Employees was most recently adopted.
09/12/2023 Legistar file 23-1488: revisions and additions to the Board of Supervisor’s Compensation Philosophy adopted.
09/17/2024 Legistar file 24-1556: Board received a presentation on the FY 2024-25 Adopted Budget.
09/24/2024 Legistar file 24-1557: County Budget FY 2024-25 Adopted.
Chief Administrative Office
County Counsel
Approve as recommended.
The approximate ongoing annual cost of the proposed changes for unrepresented employees is $943,000 a year in salary and benefit costs. The ongoing impact to the General Fund will likely be no more than $613,000 a year. These ongoing cost estimates do not include the reduced productivity of the two days of personal leave included in the proposed changes. The one-time lump sum payment to any CO employees will cost approximately $24,500 in FY 2024-25, bringing the estimated FY 2024-25 costs to $650,000. The one-time payment of up to half of unused Management or Special Leave in 2025 could cost up to $343,500 if fully utilized, which brings the estimated FY 2025-26 costs to $1.3 million.
The approximate ongoing annual cost of the proposed changes for the Board of Supervisor’s salary increase is $17,350 per year in General Fund costs.
It is anticipated that departments can absorb this cost in the current year through vacancies and other salary savings, so a budget amendment is not being brought at this time. If an appropriation issue related to this increase is found during the mid-year budget report preparation, a budget amendment will be brought to the Board for approval.
1) If approved, publish the ordinance to include the final Board vote within 15 days after Final Passage;
2) Send the full Ordinance to Municode for codification following Final Passage; and
3) Upon Board adoption and approval, please provide one copy each of the executed Resolutions to Heather Andersen in Human Resources.
4) Upon Board adoption and approval, please provide one copy each of the executed ordinances to Heather Andersen in Human Resources.
Workforce Excellence
Priority: Enhance Employee Retention
Action Item: Attract and retain the best employees by providing competitive compensation, training, and advancement opportunities, and creating a positive and thriving culture.
Joseph Carruesco, Director of Human Resources