Department of Transportation recommending the Board authorize the Chair to sign the Notice of Acceptance with California Pavement Maintenance Company, Inc. for the Crack Repair and Slurry Seal West Hangar and Apron Area, Remark Runway Blast Pads and Construct Runway Exit Taxiway B Project (AIP No. 3-06-0188-13; CIP No. 93123) at the Placerville Airport.
FUNDING: This Project was funded by a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Grant with 5% matching funds from the Placerville Airport Enterprise Fund. The requested Board action has no associated fiscal impact.
Reason for Recommendation:
The Board adopted and approved the Plans and Contract Documents for the Crack Repair and Slurry Seal West Hangar and Apron Area, Remark Runway Blast Pads and Construct Runway Exit Taxiway B Project (Project) and authorized advertisement for construction bids on June 29, 2010 (Legislative File 10-0722). On September 14, 2010, the Board awarded the Contract to California Pavement Maintenance Company, Inc. who submitted the lowest responsive, responsible bid of $260,080.02 (Legislative File 10-0924). Work on the Project was completed on May 13, 2011. Execution of the Notice of Acceptance will start legal time frames for guarantees, a lien period and return of retention monies.
The estimated construction cost for this Project was $310,791. The total cost of the Project is listed below:
Original Bid Price $260,080.02
Construction Contract Item Cost $259,750.71
Contract Change Order $ 7,834.60
Final Cost of Construction Contract $267,585.31
The Contract Change Order on this Project dealt with furnishing and installing two L867 handholes that were shown on the Plans and were required for the Project but were inadvertently omitted from the bid schedule, and modifications to Airfield Guidance Signs due to changes in Federal Aviation Administration Advisory Circular 150/5340-18, Standards for Airport Sign Systems, that were made after the Project was designed and bid.
Action to be taken following Board approval:
1) The Chair will sign the Notice of Acceptance.
2) The Board Clerk will send the Notice of Acceptance to the Recorder/Clerk's Office for recordation within ten (10) days and forward a copy of the recorded Notice of Acceptance to the Department of Transportation.
Robert S. Slater, P.E.
Assistant Director of Transportation