District Attorney's Office recommending the Board consider the following:
1) Adopt Resolution 159-2012 authorizing the District Attorney to execute Grant Agreement with the Office of Traffic Safety for the Alcohol and Drug Impaired Vertical Prosecution Program for Fiscal Year 2012/2013 in the amount of $313,325 for the purpose of assigning a specialized team to prosecute alcohol and drug impaired drive cases through September 30, 2013;
2) Authorize the Chair to sign the Grant Agreement;
3) Adopt Resolution 160-2012 amending the District Attorney's Office personnel allocation to reflect the addition of one Deputy District Attorney Full Time Equivalent; and
4) Authorize the Chair to sign the budget transfer increasing revenues and appropriations by $313,325 recognizing these grant funds. (4/5 vote required)
FUNDING: Office of Traffic Safety Grant.
Total Estimated Cost
313,325 |
New Funding
. |
313,325 |
Total Funding Available
313,325 |
Change To Net County Cost
0 |
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost
There will be no change to net county cost for the Department as all costs will be 100% offset with grant funds. The award amount of $313,325 from the Office of Traffic Safety will fund one Deputy District Attorney, an existing, unfunded District Attorney Investigator and .16 Full Time Equivalent Legal Secretary through September 30, 2013.
Reason for Recommendation
The District Attorney's Office is requesting adoption of a Board Resolution allowing the Board Chair to sign the grant agreement with the Office of Traffic Safety as the Authorizing Official of El Dorado County, the District Attorney to sign the grant agreement as the Grant Director and the District Attorney's Fiscal Administrative Manager as the Fiscal/Accounting Official. In order to meet the terms of the grant the District Attorney is requesting to hire additional staff that will be funded through the termination of the grant on September 30, 2013.
The investigation and prosecution of Driving Under the Influence (DUI) charges have historically absorbed a great amount of resources in the District Attorney's Office due to the number of offenses within El Dorado County. In Fiscal Year 2011/2012 the District Attorney's Office prosecuted over 1,200 DUI cases.
As a result of this funding from the Office of Traffic Safety and the Alcohol and Drug Impaired Vertical Prosecution Program, the District Attorney will be able to dedicate one full time prosecutor to all felony DUI cases within the county in addition to both misdemeanor and felony DUI cases in South Lake Tahoe. Approval of this recommendation will create efficiencies in the District Attorney's Office by allowing the District Attorney to assign one prosecuter to handle cases from intake through prosecution and sentencing. This eliminates the necessity for any given prosecutor having to familiarize themself with a case prior to appearing in court or talking to witnesses, resulting in less time and resources being expended. In addition, victims of crime will have one direct point of contact in their case which results in more effective communication throughout the prosecution.
In the event the grant is not extended beyond September 30, 2013, the District Attorney will reallocate existing funds within his operating budget to cover the salaries of the additional staff, resulting in no impact to Net County Cost.
Action(s) to be taken following Board approval
1) Certifiied copy of signed resolution to be forwarded to the District Attorney's Office for file.
2) Two original Grant Agreement's signed by the Chair and forwarded to Department for District Attorney and Fiscal Administrative Manager signature. Completed documents will then be sent to the Office of Traffic Safety.
3) District Attorney's office will continue to work with Human Resources on the necessary recruitments.
Vern Pierson, District Attorney
County Counsel and Risk Management