Transportation Department recommending the following pertaining to the U.S. Highway 50/Weber Creek Bridge Bicycle/Pedestrian Facility Project:
1) Certify that:
A) The Environmental Impact Report on the U.S. Highway 50/Missouri Flat Road Interchange Project, dated August 2004, and the Supplement to the Environmental Impact Report, dated August 2009, have been completed in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act;
B) The Board has reviewed and considered the information within the Supplement to the Environmental Impact Report prior to approving the Project; and
C) The Final Supplement Environmental Impact Report reflects the independent judgment of the Board as adequate to approve the Project.
2) Adopt the Findings of Fact Related to the Certification of the Draft Supplemental to the Environmental Impact Report on the U.S. Highway 50/Missouri Flat Road Interchange Project, the U.S. Highway 50/Weber Creek Bridge Bicycle/Pedestrian Facility Project dated August 2009.
3) Approve the Project as described in this staff report and in the Supplement to the Environmental Impact Report.
FUNDING: Transportation Enhancement Grant funded through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.
These actions are based on the Findings of Fact Related to the Certification of the Draft Supplement to the Environmental Impact Report on the U.S. Highway 50/Missouri Flat Road Interchange Project to include the U.S. Highway 50/Weber Creek Bridge Bicycle/Pedestrian Facility Project attached.
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost:
There is no fiscal impact associated with this agenda item. There is no Net County Cost.
Project Location: The Project is located along the eastbound portion of U.S. Highway 50 between Missouri Flat and Forni Roads.
Purpose of Project: The purpose of U.S. Highway 50/Weber Creek Bridge Bicycle/Pedestrian Facility Project (Project) is to provide non-motorized linkage across Weber Creek in the vicinity of U.S. 50, as set forth in comments received on the 2004 Missouri Flat Interchange Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR). The approval and certification by the Board for the Missouri Flat Interchange Project (Original Project) included direction to County staff to pursue funding for a Class I bicycle/pedestrian path concurrent with Phase I of the Original Project. Funding has recently been obtained through the award of a Transportation Enhancement (TE) Grant, funded through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) specific to non-motorized projects. This Supplement to the Environmental Impact Report (SEIR) to the 2004 Missouri Flat Interchange EIR serves as the separate California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) environmental review process as directed.
Project Description: The proposed Project is to construct a two way bicycle/pedestrian facility from Missouri Flat Road to Forni Road along the eastbound portion of U.S. Highway 50. The proposed Project will require widening of eastbound U.S. Highway 50 and the bridge over Weber Creek to accommodate this facility (see SEIR for further detailed description). No additional right of way is necessary to accommodate the addition of the Project to the Original Project.
California Environmental Quality Act: The Department of Transportation (DOT) elected to prepare a Supplement to the 2004 EIR because the addition of the Project into the Missouri Flat Interchange Project was determined to result in only minor additions or changes needed to make the 2004 EIR adequately apply to the Project. The SEIR provides the additional information necessary to make the 2004 EIR adequately apply to the Project. The purposes of the SEIR are to:
· Supplement the 2004 EIR Original Project description with the Bicycle/Pedestrian Facility Project description.
· Address impacts to the physical environment related to the addition of the Project.
· Recommend mitigation measures to avoid any new significant impacts or reduce any new impacts to a less-than-significant level.
Reason for Recommendation:
Mitigation Measures: Given that no new significant impacts were identified that were not addressed in the 2004 Missouri Flat Interchange EIR and no modifications to the previously adopted mitigation measures are required, the County finds that that 2004 Mitigation Monitoring Plan adopted for the Original Project also applies to the project modifications identified in the SEIR for the Project, and as set forth in the Findings of Fact for the SEIR.
Agency and Public Notification: DOT filed a Notice of Preparation (NOP) for the SEIR on May 21, 2009 with the State Clearinghouse (SCH 1998092077). The thirty (30) day NOP public comment period ended on June 22, 2009. The NOP and copies of comments received are in Appendix B of the Draft SEIR.
The Draft SEIR was distributed for public and agency review and comment for a thirty (30) day period beginning July 8, 2009 and ending August 6, 2009. The document, along with the 2004 Missouri Flat Interchange EIR, was made available for review by the public at the DOT public counter located at 2850 Fairlane Court in Placerville, at the County Library in Placerville and on the DOT CEQA webpage at http://www.co.el-dorado.ca.us/DOT/ceqa.html.
Final SEIR: Following consideration of the comments received, DOT has completed a Final SEIR containing copies of all comments and the County's responses to those comments. All comments received were in support of the Project.
The Final SEIR notes a minor change to the switch-back along the Forni Road off-ramp. A curve was incorporated into the switch-back to provide for a gentler bicycle turning movement.
Project Construction: DOT would retain a construction contractor who would be responsible for compliance with all applicable rules, regulations and ordinances associated with construction activities and for implementation of the adopted construction-related mitigation measures. Construction is proposed to commence as part of Phase 1B of the Missouri Flat Interchange Project in the fall of 2009.
County Counsel has reviewed and concurred with the Findings of Fact.
Action to be taken by DOT following Board approval:
1) DOT will file a Notice of Determination with the office of the County Recorder/Clerk.
2) DOT staff will proceed with the Project through completion of the plans, specifications and estimates.
James W. Ware, P.E.
Director of Transportation
Concurrences: County Counsel