Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) recommending the Board:
1) Approve and authorize the HHSA Director to sign a notice exercising the option to extend Caldor Disaster Case Management Agreement 6250 with The Salvation Army, with an additional $80,017 in compensation for a new not-to-exceed amount of $219,977.15, for an additional eight months through December 31, 2023, for the personnel and equipment necessary to provide Disaster Case Management for households displaced by the Caldor Fire; and
2) Direct staff to issue a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) to identify additional providers to serve on an as-needed basis for future Disaster Case Management services.
FUNDING: General Fund-Caldor Fire Relief Designation.
The Caldor Fire started on August 14, 2021, and quickly swept through El Dorado County and into neighboring counties, consuming nearly 222,000 acres, resulting in the evacuation of many parts of the County and destroying 1,003 structures, and damaging another 81 structures before being fully contained on October 21, 2021. 785 homes were burned in the fire. In response to the fire and to support community recovery efforts, the County requested an Individual Assistance (IA) declaration through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), which was ultimately denied. With the denial, El Dorado County is unable to receive reimbursement for IA programs such as Individual and Household Programs, Disaster Case Management, and more. Despite the denial, staff working within the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) have continued to develop alternative plans and options for IA programs to be made available.
Disaster Case Management (DCM) is a foundational IA program that addresses human services needs following a disaster. As many of the normal community support systems are disrupted during and after a disaster, the DCM program promotes the effective delivery of post-disaster case management services and recovery. DCM is a time-limited partnership between a case manager and a disaster survivor to develop and carry out a Disaster Recovery Plan. This partnership provides the survivor with a single person to facilitate access to a broad range of resources through offering Ombudsman-type navigation services. The process involves assessing the client’s needs caused by and related to the disaster, developing a goal-oriented plan outlining the steps necessary for recovery, organizing and coordinating resources that match the client’s needs, monitoring progress, and, when necessary, advocating on behalf of the client.
To date, Disaster Case Managers have been able to connect County clients with local funders, and these survivors have received a total of $214,233.39 in assistance from the local funders.
Agreement for Services 6250 with The Salvation Army (TSA), approved by the Board of Supervisors on January 11, 2022 (File ID 21-1923), with an annual not-to-exceed amount of $139,960.15, and for the initial term of one (1) year effective upon final execution with the option to renew up to a maximum of one (1) year at the same rate should the need for DCM services still exist for Caldor Fire Survivors, includes working closely and in collaboration with local Community Organizations Active in Disaster (COAD) who are supporting our community’s long-term recovery effort. TSA Disaster Case Managers are responsible for conducting intakes with households, developing individual household plans that prioritize the greatest needs of the household, providing navigation services to ensure referral and linkage to local and regional service agencies based upon priority household needs, and advocating for the household whenever necessary to ensure their needs are met. The Disaster Case Manager works directly with clients, coordinating services for those who are Caldor Fire survivors in the implementation and success of their case plan.
On January 10, 2023, (File ID 23-0010) the Board authorized the HHSA Director to exercise the option to extend Caldor Disaster Case Management Agreement 6250 with The Salvation Army through April 30, 2023. There are currently 179 households still on the waiting list to receive services, and new referrals for additional households seeking service continue to rise. Due to the ongoing need for Disaster Case Management services related to the Caldor Fire, staff are recommending the Board authorize the option, per Paragraph 4, “Term of Contract” to exercise the extension through December 31, 2023. As there are remaining funds from the first year of the term, adding an additional $80,017 will be sufficient to support the full additional year added.
Approval of this item is necessary to allow HHSA to exercise the option to extend the term of the agreement through December 31, 2023, with the same terms and conditions.
Additionally, at its February 1, 2023, Special Board meeting for Department Presentations, the Board of Supervisors indicated their wish for the County to be prepared in advance to provide services needed due to any future disaster (File ID 23-0248). HHSA is seeking the Board’s direction to pursue a Request for Qualifications to identify a list of vendors who would be willing and able to enter into an as-needed contract for services with a term subject to a qualifying event which would trigger the initiation of services. This Request for Qualifications would be conducted while the County works to understand the roles and responsibilities of emergency preparedness, operations, response, and recovery, as directed by the Board on February 14, 2023 (File ID 23-0346). Due to timing of recent disasters and the County wanting to be prepared before fire season, staff are requesting to conduct the evaluation and Disaster Case Management Request for Qualifications in parallel.
Should the Board decline to approve this recommendation, Salvation Army will discontinue Disaster Recovery Case Management services on April 30, 2023.
1) 09/21/21, 21-1503, Board direction to create the Caldor Fire Relief
2) 01/11/22, 21-1923, Approval of Agreement 6250
3) 01/10/23, 23-0010, HHSA Salvation Army Agmt 6250 Option to Extend
Original Agreement 6250 was approved by County Counsel, Human Resources, and Risk Management. The Auditor-Controller was notified of the original agreement.
Approve as recommended.
Agreement 6250 is funded by the General Fund Caldor Fire Designation; approval of this item will use an additional $80,017 of this funding. Based on current projections, there is sufficient funding from the designation to cover this additional use of funding.
There is no financial impact to directing staff to release a Request for Qualifications for Disaster Case Management except for staff time, any agreements resulting from the Request for Qualifications will be brought to the Board for approval.
Healthy Communities: Protect against adverse outcomes among
children, adults, and seniors.
Olivia Byron-Cooper, MPH, Interim Director, Health and Human Services Agency