Community Development Services, Environmental Management Department, recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign the Second Amendment to Agreement for Services 181-S1511 with Accela, Inc., to extend the term one additional year through October 31, 2018, to update the annual license and support fees based on the current number of inspectors, to update the support services provided, and to include other minor administrative changes as necessary, with no increase in the not-to-exceed amount of $200,000, for EnvisionConnect software licensing and support services.
FUNDING: Non-General Fund/Permit Fees.
Community Development Services, Environmental Management Department (Environmental Management), recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign the Second Amendment to Agreement for Services 181-S1511 with Accela, Inc., to extend the term one additional year through October 31, 2018, to update the annual license and support fees based on the current number of inspectors, to update the support services provided, and to include other minor administrative changes as necessary, with no increase in the not-to-exceed amount of $200,000, for EnvisionConnect software licensing and support services.
Agreement for Services 181-S1511 (Agreement) was approved by the Board on January 6, 2015, (Item 8), with Decade Software Company, LLC (Decade), for a three-year term with a not-to-exceed amount of $200,000, to provide EnvisionConnect software licensing and support services to Environmental Management.
On August 21, 2015, Environmental Management was notified by Accela, Inc. (Accela) that the acquisition of Decade was completed on June 29, 2015, resulting in the need to amend the Agreement. The First Amendment was approved by the Board on October 13, 2015, (Item 11), which assigned and delegated all obligations and duties under the Agreement to Accela, with no change in services, the service fee schedule, the not-to-exceed amount, or term of the Agreement.
The proposed Second Amendment (Amendment 2) will extend the term of the Agreement for one additional year to November 1, 2018, will update the annual license and support fees based on the current number of inspectors, will update the support services provided, and will include other minor administrative changes as necessary throughout the Agreement. There is no change to the Agreement’s not-to-exceed amount of $200,000.
Following the acquisition of Decade, Accela became the only developer of the EnvisionConnect application, has the sole rights to the product, and is the sole provider. EnvisionConnect Software (Software) is essential for monitoring public and environmental health. The Software system is utilized by Environmental Health Departments throughout the State of California (State). The Software provides the ability to track and maintain food protection, recreational health, solid waste, hazardous waste materials, vector control and land management programs, and inspections. Many of the programs are mandated by the State, with tracking, permitting, and reporting as mandatory requirements. The Software system also tracks billable staff hours and generates operational data for mandated reporting purposes.
The Board may choose to deny the approval of Amendment 2. This would result in the Agreement expiring on November 1, 2017, and would also result in Environmental Management being unable to utilize this Software for the purposes stated above.
If approved, and prior to the expiration of Amendment 2, Environmental Management will consider whether to continue the use of this sole source Software or to solicit proposals in order to enter into a new agreement for this type of software licensing and support.
County Counsel and Risk Management have approved the proposed Amendment 2.
It is recommended that the Board approve this item.
There is no change to Net County Cost associated with this item. The adopted Fiscal Year 2017-18 budget includes sufficient funding for this amended Agreement. Future proposed budgets will also include funding for the remainder of this Agreement, and for such software licensing and support services as contracted.
1) Clerk of the Board will obtain the Chair's signature on two (2) original copies of Amendment 2.
2) Clerk of the Board will forward one (1) fully-executed original copy of Amendment 2 to the Community Development Services, Contracts and Procurement Unit, for further processing.
Greg Stanton, REHS, Director
Community Development Services, Environmental Management Department