Planning and Building Department, Planning Division, Current Planning Unit, recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign Amendment IV to Agreement 447 with Ascent Environmental, Inc., increasing the compensation amount by $800,000 for a total not-to-exceed amount of $1,600,000, updating Exhibit B to reflect the consultant’s current hourly rates, and other minor administrative changes determined necessary, with no changes to the scope or term of the Agreement.
FUNDING: Applicant Funded.
The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and County CEQA Resolution 61-87 allow the County to hire consultants, funded by the applicant, to prepare complex and comprehensive CEQA documents such as Environmental Impact Reports (EIRs).
Ascent Environmental, Inc. (Ascent) is currently assisting the Planning and Building Department (Department) with the processing of several major development projects, including Central El Dorado Hills Specific Plan, Village of Marble Valley Specific Plan, Lime Rock Valley Specific Plan, Montano De El Dorado Phase 1 and 2 Commercial Development, Dorado Oaks, Villages at Town Center West Mixed Use Development, Rancho Tierra Subdivision, and EDH 52 Costco Commercial Center Environmental Impact Report. This Amendment IV would allow the Department to finalize these projects with Ascent’s assistance. In addition, the Department could rely on Ascent for additional planning and environmental services for current and anticipated development projects on an as-needed basis.
On October 6, 2016, the County’s Purchasing Agent approved Agreement 447 with Ascent to assist the Department with providing on-call planning and environmental services for specific plan projects.
On April 25, 2017 (File No. 17-0213, Item No. 19), the Board approved Amendment I to Agreement 447, which increased the total amount of compensation from $65,400 to $300,000, and expanded the scope of work to include plannin...
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