Human Resources recommending the Board adopt Resolution 050-2013 superseding resolution 044-2013 to correct administrative errors in the Job Class Number and Class for the Executive Assistant position in the Child Support Services Department.
On April 30, 2013, the Board adopted resolution 044-2013 to reclassify a position in the Child Support Services Department. The resolution should have identified the position as Job Class Number 2113, Class Title, Executive Assistant, however, the position was incorrectly identified as Job Class Title 2112, Class Title, Executive Secretary. There is no allocation for Executive Secretary in Child Support Services.
In addition, on May 7, 2013, the Board adopted the County of El Dorado Personnel Rules, superseding the El Dorado County Personnel Management Resolution #228-84 (PMR) and the El Dorado County Compensation Administration Resolution #227-84 (CAR). References which were made to the PMR and the CAR in resolution 044-2013 will be changed in the revised resolution to reference the recently adopted Personnel Rules.
Action(s) to be taken following Board approval
The position will be reclassified from Executive Assistant to Staff Services Specialist, the Authorized Personnel Allocation Resolution shall be amended, and a recruitment will be initiated by Merit to fill the position in accordance with Local Agency Personnel Standards (LAPS). In the meantime, the position will be under filled by the incumbent.
Mike Strella, Sr. Human Resources Analyst, x562