Hearing to consider Planning Commission's recommendation that the Board take the following actions on Rezone Z06-0002/Planned Development PD06-0002/Parcel Map P06-0001/Sunstone Business Park submitted by El Dorado Development Partnership Group on property identified as APN 117-100-32, consisting of 33.18 acres, in the El Dorado Hills Area, Supervisorial District II:
1) Adopt the Negative Declaration based on the initial study prepared by staff;
2) Approve Rezone Z06-0002 based on the findings listed in Attachment 1;
3) Approve Planned Development PD06-0002 adopting the Development Plan, as modified, as the official development plan, based on the findings and subject to the conditions listed in Attachment 1;
4) Approve Parcel Map P06-0001, based on the findings and subject to the conditions as listed in Attachment 1;
5) Approve Design Waiver request to reduce the right-of-way width requirement from 70 feet to 50 feet except at the project entrances based on the findings proposed by staff;
6) Deny Design Waiver request to omit the sidewalks along the proposed ‘Road A’ and ‘Road B’, since the required findings cannot be made; and
7) Adopt Ordinance for same. (Ordinance 4818)
Background: Request to consider Z06-0002/PD06-0002/P06-0001/Sunstone Business Park submitted by EL DORADO DEVELOPMENT PARTNERSHIP GROUP (Agent: Lebeck Young Engineering) to rezone from Research and Development-Design Control (R&D-DC) to Research and Development-Planned Development (R&D-PD); Allow the construction of 25 buildings totaling approximately 205,212 square feet, with the individual buildings ranging in size from 5,700 to 13,375 square feet; Create 25 parcels ranging in size from 1 to 1.52 acres; and Two Design Waivers have been requested to allow the following: (a) Omit the sidewalks along the proposed ‘Road A’ and ‘Road B’; and (b) Reduce the right-of-way width requirement from 70 feet to 50 feet except at the project entrances. The property, identified by Assessor’s P...
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