Supervisor Santiago to provide a presentation on the El Dorado County 2009 Economic Stimulus Summit.
Supervisor Santiago has convened regional workforce and economic development representatives to pursue the coordination of an El Dorado County Economic Stimulus Summit designed to outline the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, regional project priorities, distribution formula and workforce education, training and development.
An initial concept meeting was held on March 11th to piece together sponsors, date, location, presentations, information sharing and workforce development.
The El Dorado County Economic Development Coordinator is assisting in the facilitation of partnerships and sponsors.
It would be appropriate, at this time, to direct the Economic Development Director to continue this coordination and report back to the board of supervisors on the production of this event as things progress.
RECOMMENDATION: Direct the Chief Administrative Office and staff to coordinate and develop partnerships and sponsors for the production of an El Dorado County 2009 Economic Stimulus Summit.