Department of Transportation recommending the Board:
1) Authorize the Chair to sign the Easement Acquisition Agreement for Public Purposes and the Certificate of Acceptance for the related documents from Aaron J. Buckman and Ember E. Buckman, Husband and Wife as Joint Tenants, for Assessor's Parcel Number 035-132-09; and
2) Authorize the Interim Director of Transportation or her designee to execute the escrow instructions and any other related escrow documents pertaining to the transaction, including the payment of title and escrow fees, for the Christmas Valley Phase 2C Erosion Control Project, CIP No. 95190.
FUNDING: California Tahoe Conservancy Grant Funds and Tahoe Regional Planning Agency Mitigation Funds.
Total Estimated Cost $1,600
Budgeted $1,600
New Funding $
Savings $
Other $
Total Funding Available $1,600
Change To Net County Cost $0
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost
Acquisition costs are $600 with title and escrow fees estimated at $1,000 for a total estimated cost of $1,600. Funding for the acquisition process will be provided by California Tahoe Conservancy grant funds and Tahoe Regional Planning Agency Mitigation Funds.
The Department of Transportation (Department) is working to advance the Christmas Valley Phase 2C Erosion Control Project (Project), which will design and implement erosion control and water quality improvement measures reducing the discharge of sediment and pollutants into Lake Tahoe. It is anticipated that the Department will begin construction on this Project during the 2012 construction season.
The Project area is located in South Lake Tahoe in the Meyers area, south of Highway 50 and east of Highway 89. The Project is identified in the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency's "Environmental Improvement Program for the Lake Tahoe Region" and is considered an overall benefit to the environment by assisting...
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