Supervisor Parlin and the Department of Transportation recommending the Board:
1) Receive an update on the Coloma Retaining Wall Art Work on HWY 49; and
2) Provide conceptual approval to move forward with an application to CalTrans.
The South Fork Arts and Recreation (SoFAR) group is proposing to put an art sculpture in the Caltrans right-of-way on the retaining wall of the new Highway 49 bridge in Coloma. The sculpture is metal and plastic, roughly 21' tall by 100' long and proposed to be attached to the new retaining wall at the intersection of Lotus Road and Hwy 49, adjacent to the American River. SoFAR has been working on the design with small groups in the area for several years, and are now at the point they want to make an application to Caltrans.
The County must make the formal application on SoFAR’s behalf and will propose mutual agreements transferring any cost, liability and maintenance required by the state on to SoFAR.
The original plan was for SoFAR to present the sculpture to the Coloma Lotus Advisory Committee (CLAC) in March for their approval and recommendation to the Board of Supervisors. The Board would then agendize the project for consideration and a resolution supporting the project, followed by the application to Caltrans. After the Caltrans review, a Board Item would be agendized for a final approval, along with the maintenance and funding agreements.
Given the current Stay In Place orders there isn't an opportunity to take the item to CLAC, however SoFAR would like to continue with the project and make an application to Caltrans. The application requires a signature by an authorized representative of the Local Agency.
Today’s update is to ensure that the Board conceptually approves the project and supports that the Transportation Director signs the application to begin the Caltrans process. The Caltrans process will likely take upwards of a year, and there will likely be changes required to meet their require...
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