Health and Human Services Agency recommending the Board approve and authorize the Director to sign the following:
1) A letter to support the allocation of $6.75 million dollars in State General Fund for Foster and Kinship Care Recruitment, Retention, and Support; and
2) A letter to support the allocation of $20.3 million dollars in State General Fund for Services to Child Victims of Commercial Sexual Exploitation.
FUNDING: State General Fund.
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost
None. There is no cost associated with this agenda item.
On April 9, 2014, the California State Assembly held a budget subcommittee hearing on Health and Human Services issues. The budget subcommittee agenda included multiple items on Child Welfare Services (CWS) and Foster Care. Issue 3 - Proposals in CWS and Foster Care included funding requests from the State General Fund.
Issue 3, Proposal 2 - Foster and Kinship Care Recruitment, Retention, and Support requests funding to provide direct support to foster children placed with kin caregivers and foster parents. Lack of caregiver support can significantly contribute to shortage of caregivers and caregiver turnover which results in placement disruptions and foster children who are less likely to achieve desired outcomes. The proposed $6.75 million in State General Fund will allow counties to target recruitment efforts, provide respite care, offer mentoring and coaching to foster parents, and support foster parent participation in team based meetings.
Issue 3, Proposal 4 - Services to Child Victims of Commercial Sexual Exploitation requests funding to build the capacity of local welfare agencies to serve child victims of commercial sexual exploitation. Commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC) is a growing epidemic both locally and nationwide. El Dorado County has experienced nineteen CSEC cases since 2010 involving foster and probation youth. The El Dorado County Health and Human Servic...
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